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Last active October 5, 2023 18:23
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list of super cool mac terminal tricks


  1. say then whatever u want ur mac to say, Siri will say whatever u want her/him to say, but don't know why it's always a male voice i tried to change it but was unable to, If someone knows how to make a female voice say in terminal
  2. security find-generic-password -wa "whatever is ur wifi name" this will show the password of the wifi stored in ur mac
  3. some command | pbcopy whatever is the output of the command will be copied to the clipboard
  4. shift command option v to copy without formatting, It's really a godsend if try to copy something from notes to Google Docs or majorly anything to Google Docs
  5. caffeinate type thing in the terminal and your Mac won't sleep till u end this command, perfect for a coffee break
  6. command control shift 4 like normally u take screenshots by pressing shift command 3 or for a specific area shift comand 4 but by doing so the screenshot will get saved on the desktop and then u have to go to the desktop and from there u need to copy and then paste it somewhere but with this command, u can take a screenshot of a particular place and copy it to clipboard.. really amazing one A couple of terminal commands to make changes around your screenshot
  7. defaults write name -> Set a default name to your screenshots
  8. defaults write type -> u can set your screenshot file format to jpg, png, etc
  9. default write location ~/Desktop/screenshots Currently the default saving location for your screenshots is your desktop, u can change it with this command
  10. passwd to change your password
  11. whoami will tell u ur user name
  12. ditto there r two commands on Mac to copy and paste via your terminal, cp and ditto, don't know sure, but a Mac expert said to me that ditto is better than cp
  13. df -h will tell u how much space u have in your Mac, its full form displays free disk space
  14. man to open the manual or if u want a manual of something, like say cp command u can type, man cp
  15. open to just open things like open . will open finder, or open myprofilepic.png
  16. ping to check whether a website is up or not, like ping
  17. ifconfig configures network interface parameters, u can use it with different variations and combinations as such, ifconfig en0, ifconfig en0 | grep inet, ifconfig en0 | grep inet | awk 'carry regular expressions'
  18. traceroute to see the path u r taking to get to a certain website, great for troubleshooting
  19. dig If u want to dig into DNS of a website, u can get all the DNS goodness
  20. ps to see all the processes on your computer
  21. ps -ax to see more, like a lot more
  22. top u can see which processes are using the most CPU in real-time
  23. top -o rsize can see processes by memory
  24. kill -9 processid will kill a running process, cooler combination for this is, ps -ax | grep processname
  25. which $SHELL to see which shell we r using
  26. bash to switch to bash shell
  27. zsh to switch back to zsh shell
  28. uptime to find how long have your mac been up
  29. qlmanage -p thefileNameThatUWantToPreview to preview any file
  30. diff file1 file2 to compare two files
  31. curl theLink < where u want to store to download
  32. leave 1245 will set an alarm in the terminal, and will tell u to leave at that time
  33. history to see the history of all the commands u have been typing in your terminal
  34. python3 -m http.server This will create a web server of your hard disk and anyone can go to the ip address and see your files
  35. shutdown -h now to shutdown immediately
  36. shutdown -r now to restart immediately
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