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Last active April 8, 2017 16:37
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Sphinx Sublime build
To create a Sphinx sublime build, open Sublime, Go to Tools --> Bulid system --> New build system and type in the following code.
I have only tried it on windows so far and it worked.
Make sure you have sphinx installed and change the path to the script. may be python27 instead of python34
"cmd": ["c:/Python34/Scripts/sphinx-build.exe", "-b", "html", "$filedir", "_build/html"],
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "text.restructuredtext"
Save the file as sphinx.sublime-build. Go to build system and select sphinx. Your .rst file should now be
compilable without having to use the terminal.
You can alter:
"c:/Python34/Scripts/sphinx-build.exe" --> Path to the executable script
"html" --> Sphinx options (dir_html etc.)
"_build/html" --> Could be .build/html depending on what option you chose on quickstart
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