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Last active July 4, 2017 08:23
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Go logging boilerplate
package main
import (
func makeLogger(name string, minLevel logging.Level) logging.Logger {
log := logging.MustGetLogger(name)
format := logging.MustStringFormatter(
`%{color}%{time:15:04:05.000} %{shortfunc} ▶ %{level:.4s} %{id:03x}%{color:reset} %{message}`,
logBackend := logging.NewLogBackend(os.Stderr, "", 0)
logFormattedBackend := logging.NewBackendFormatter(logBackend, format)
logLeveledBackend := logging.AddModuleLevel(logFormattedBackend)
logLeveledBackend.SetLevel(minLevel, "")
return *log
func parseLogLevel(arg string) logging.Level {
levels := map[string]logging.Level{
"info": logging.INFO,
"notice": logging.NOTICE,
"warning": logging.WARNING,
"error": logging.ERROR,
"critical": logging.CRITICAL,
return levels[arg]
var log logging.Logger
func main() {
logLevel := flag.String("level", "error",
`Log level: <info|notice|warning|error|critical>`)
log = makeLogger("loggerName", parseLogLevel(*logLevel))
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