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Last active March 28, 2017 16:54
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React London 2017

React London 2017 - reactlondon2017


Opinionated code formatting

Perude devs to incorporate into existing apps, not force them

Text -> AST -> IR(Intermediate representation - Prettier) -> Text

Amplifr - Logux

Logux (beta) == swarm.js + redux

  • Live updates
  • Optimistic UI - offline first
  • less code
  • websockets for updates
  • need to integrate into backend, but has escape hatch for legacy systems
  • dispatches async actions, no need for intermediate actions (loading)


  • Modules are first classes citizens
  • Every file is a module
  • OCaml automatically wraps the code in a file into a module
// myTest.js
// module.exports = {
  function doSomething() {
    // hello

  • uses functors - a function that receives a module as a param and spits one back out

Lightening talks


Takes a snapshot of your raw html code returned from Enzymes rendering, allows you to compare changes (intentional and not)

Use shallow rendering for snapshots so that they're not slow/overly complex

Update snapshops when you intended to change the component (confirmation in cli)


  • Regressions/refactoring (identifies where something is being used)
  • More test coverage


  • Not TDD
  • Merge conflcits (sting comparison)

Realtime Webpack

  • HappyPack - paralize load
  • Webpack 2 - tree shaking (only works with ES6) - good for our internal tools though
  • Rollup - look into again
  • Code splitting (bundle splitting)


  • Redux persist
  • Redux Optimust
  • Redux offline (new)


Styled components


  • Polished - styles in Javascript (allows you to migrate from sass - lighten, saturate etc)

  • auto prefixes your styles

  • Preprocessing step - looking into it after perf

Tiny renderer

  • We had no clue what was going on here, he showed how to implement a rendered if we wanted to by hooking into Reacts API.

Panel talks

  • Release candidate for Immutable is out, should pull and run through applications to test before Release

  • Progressive web apps - they don't think will overtake native

  • Facebook push with Codepush all the time to update the Facebook app, they worked closely with Apple to make sure this was something Apple would back them on.

  • Animations: Animated (ReactNative - secretly on npm but not release). Looking at prioritising keystrokes/animations and pushing async (server reqs) to background thread.

  • Rewriting from scratch you lose the ability to AB test, so if your metrics crash, you have no idea what caused it.

  • Facebook BigPipe, for prioritising chunks to client, complicated to get setup, not worth the hassle unless you have a high traffic website.

React hardware (crossbow)

  • lol
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