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2020-02-19T08:53:29+00:00 ip-10-10-10-5 INFO [Car Rental System] 2020-02-19 08:53:29+0000 - {"event":"Add client","user":"bob.johnson","data":{"clientName":"Coca-Foola","clientType":"COM","clientCode":"0170743762120"}}
2020-02-19T09:24:03+00:00 ip-10-10-10-5 INFO [Car Rental System] 2020-02-19 09:24:03+0000 - {"event":"Log out user","user":"bob.johnson"}
2020-02-19T13:51:44+00:00 ip-10-10-10-5 INFO [Car Rental System] 2020-02-19 13:51:44+0000 - {"event":"Log in user failed"}
2020-02-19T13:51:52+00:00 ip-10-10-10-5 INFO [Car Rental System] 2020-02-19 13:51:52+0000 - {"event":"Log in user","user":"bob.johnson"}
2020-02-19T14:23:15+00:00 ip-10-10-10-5 INFO [Car Rental System] 2020-02-19 14:23:15+0000 - {"event":"Log out user","user":"bob.johnson"}
2020-02-19T14:33:15+00:00 ip-10-10-10-5 INFO [Car Rental System] 2020-02-19 14:33:15+0000 - {"event":"Log in user","user":"bob.johnson"}
2020-02-19T14:33:52+00:00 ip-10-10-10-5 INFO [Car Rental System] 2020-02-19 14:33:52+0000 - {"event":"Register client rental"
"meta": { "theme": "flat" },
"basics": {
"name": "Marko Valing",
"label": "Infrastructure Engineer / Team Lead",
"picture": "",
"email": "",
"phone": "(+372) 5623 8977",
"website": "",
"summary": "I would like to say that I am like a multipurpose tool. I am good at communicating, funny and joyful. My skills include analytical thinking and if neccessary very creative problem solving with minimum technical debt. Very good understanding of e-governance. Experienced working in big corporations, public sector and also in startup, which has provided me high stress tolerance. I am a good listener and always there for my teammates to help untangle technical issues and also personal concerns. Fan of CI/CD/DevOps and cloud infrastructure.",
- name: "Provision EC2 instaces"
key_name: "{{ ec2_keypair }}"
group: "{{ item.ec2_security_group }}"
instance_type: "{{ item.ec2_instance_type }}"
image: "{{ ami_data.results[0].ami_id }}"
region: "{{ vpc_region }}"
instance_tags: '{"Name":"{{item.ec2_host_name}}.{{subdomain}}.{{domain}}.{{item.ec2_tld | default(internal_tld)}}","Role":"{{item.ec2_host_role}}","Environment":"{{ vpc_name }}","Host Name":"{{item.ec2_host_name}}.{{subdomain}}.{{domain}}.{{internal_tld}}"}'
count_tag: '{"Name":"{{item.ec2_host_name}}.{{subdomain}}.{{domain}}.{{item.ec2_tld | default(internal_tld)}}","Role":"{{item.ec2_host_role}}","Environment":"{{ vpc_name }}","Host Name":"{{item.ec2_host_name}}.{{subdomain}}.{{domain}}.{{internal_tld}}"}'
assign_public_ip: "{{ item.ec2_public_ip | default('false') }}"
gpg --gen-key # Create RSA and RSA key with 4096bit length
gpg --send-keys --keyserver [KEY_ID] # Send key to Ubuntu
gpg --export-secret-keys -a [KEY_ID] > secret.asc # Export key to ASCII
GPG_PRIVATE_KEY=$(cat secret.asc) # Export ASCII key to ENV variable
mkdir -p /tmp/packages/incoming
copy *.deb /tmp/packages/incoming
docker run -e URI=[REPO_URL] -e -e APTLY_DISTRIBUTION=[DISTRO] -e GPG_PRIVATE_KEY="$GPG_PRIVATE_KEY" -e GPG_PASSPHRASE="[KEY_PSWD]" -v /tmp/packages:/debs cfstras/debify
tuudik / etc-logrotate.d-tomcat6
Last active May 25, 2017 08:26
MISP2 log rotation
/var/log/tomcat6/*.out /var/log/tomcat6/orbeon.log.* /var/log/tomcat6/soap-messages.log {
rotate 3650
size 10M
dateformat -%Y-%m-%d-%s.log
- hosts: digitalocean
# DigitalOcean configuration
do_token: 55555
ssh_key: '~/.ssh/id_rsa3'
pause_duration: 10
- create_droplet