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Created October 24, 2016 12:26
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15:26 $ pylint --output-format=parseable --reports=n marshmallow
************* Module marshmallow.schema
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 1 space).
" for the same Schema.")
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 2 spaces).
'many=True to serialize a collection.',
| ^
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 2 spaces).
| ^
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 27 spaces).
data=data, many=many, original_data=original_data)
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 27 spaces).
data=data, many=many, original_data=original_data)
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 27 spaces).
data=data, many=many, original_data=original_data)
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 27 spaces).
data=data, many=many, original_data=original_data)
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 4 spaces).
item, original_data, self.fields, many=many,
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 4 spaces).
index=idx, pass_original=pass_original)
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 4 spaces).
data, original_data, self.fields, many=many,
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 4 spaces).
^ |
marshmallow/ [W0621(redefined-outer-name), _get_fields] Redefining name 'fields' from outer scope (line 16)
marshmallow/ [W0212(protected-access), _get_fields.<lambda>] Access to a protected member _creation_index of a client class
marshmallow/ [W0212(protected-access), SchemaMeta.__new__] Access to a protected member _declared_fields of a client class
marshmallow/ [C0203(bad-mcs-method-argument), SchemaMeta.__init__] Metaclass method __init__ should have 'cls' as first argument
marshmallow/ [C0203(bad-mcs-method-argument), SchemaMeta._resolve_processors] Metaclass method _resolve_processors should have 'cls' as first argument
marshmallow/ [E1124(redundant-keyword-arg), BaseSchema.__repr__] Argument 'self' passed by position and keyword in method call
marshmallow/ [W0221(arguments-differ), BaseSchema.load] Arguments number differs from overridden 'load' method
marshmallow/ [W0212(protected-access), BaseSchema.__set_field_attrs] Access to a protected member _add_to_schema of a client class
marshmallow/ [C0412(ungrouped-imports), ] Imports from package collections are not grouped
************* Module marshmallow.fields
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 20 spaces).
only=only, exclude=self.exclude, context=context)
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 21 spaces).
exclude=self.exclude, context=context)
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 21 spaces).
only=only, exclude=self.exclude, context=context)
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 10 spaces).
update_fields=not self.__updated_fields).data
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation before block (add 4 spaces).
isinstance(field, Nested) and
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation before block (add 4 spaces).
self.nested != _RECURSIVE_NESTED and
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation before block (add 4 spaces).
field.nested != _RECURSIVE_NESTED
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 10 spaces).
'must be a subclass of '
| ^
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 10 spaces).
'elements must be of type '
| ^
marshmallow/ [C0302(too-many-lines), ] Too many lines in module (1250/1000)
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), ] Redefining built-in 'basestring'
marshmallow/ [W0621(redefined-outer-name), Field.__init__] Redefining name 'validate' from outer scope (line 13)
marshmallow/ [R0102(simplifiable-if-statement), Field.__init__] The if statement can be replaced with 'var = bool(test)'
marshmallow/ [E1124(redundant-keyword-arg), Field.__repr__] Argument 'self' passed by position and keyword in method call
marshmallow/ [W0221(arguments-differ), Field.deserialize] Arguments number differs from overridden 'deserialize' method
marshmallow/ [W0212(protected-access), Nested._serialize] Access to a protected member _update_fields of a client class
marshmallow/ [W0212(protected-access), Nested._check_required] Access to a protected member _check_required of a client class
marshmallow/ [W0212(protected-access), Nested._check_required] Access to a protected member _validate_missing of a client class
marshmallow/ [W0221(arguments-differ), List.get_value] Arguments number differs from overridden 'get_value' method
marshmallow/ [W0212(protected-access), List._serialize] Access to a protected member _serialize of a client class
marshmallow/ [W0212(protected-access), List._serialize] Access to a protected member _serialize of a client class
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), DateTime.__init__] Redefining built-in 'format'
marshmallow/ [E0602(undefined-variable), Time._deserialize] Undefined variable 'err'
marshmallow/ [W0231(super-init-not-called), Url.__init__] __init__ method from base class 'ValidatedField' is not called
marshmallow/ [W0231(super-init-not-called), Email.__init__] __init__ method from base class 'ValidatedField' is not called
************* Module marshmallow.utils
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
if not attr.startswith("__") and not attr.endswith("__")])
marshmallow/ [C0325(superfluous-parens), ] Unnecessary parens after u'print' keyword
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 43 spaces).
dt.year, dt.hour, dt.minute, dt.second, tz_offset)
^ |
************* Module marshmallow.ordereddict
marshmallow/ [W0231(super-init-not-called), OrderedDict.__init__] __init__ method from base class 'dict' is not called
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), OrderedDict.__delitem__] Redefining built-in 'next'
marshmallow/ [W0201(attribute-defined-outside-init), OrderedDict.__reduce__] Attribute '__end' defined outside __init__
marshmallow/ [W0201(attribute-defined-outside-init), OrderedDict.__reduce__] Attribute '__map' defined outside __init__
************* Module marshmallow.marshalling
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 2 spaces).
dict_class=dict_class, accessor=accessor,
| ^
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 2 spaces).
index=idx, index_errors=index_errors)
| ^
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
for idx, d in enumerate(obj)]
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 10 spaces).
original_data, fields_dict, index=None,
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 10 spaces).
many=False, pass_original=False):
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 8 spaces).
dict_class=dict, index_errors=True, index=None):
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 12 spaces).
partial=partial, dict_class=dict_class,
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 12 spaces).
index=idx, index_errors=index_errors)
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (remove 1 space).
for idx, d in enumerate(data)]
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation before block (add 4 spaces).
partial is True or
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong hanging indentation before block (add 4 spaces).
(partial_is_collection and attr_name in partial)
^ |
marshmallow/ [W0640(cell-var-from-loop), Marshaller.serialize.<lambda>] Cell variable field_obj defined in loop
marshmallow/ [W0640(cell-var-from-loop), Marshaller.serialize.<lambda>] Cell variable attr_name defined in loop
marshmallow/ [W0640(cell-var-from-loop), Unmarshaller.deserialize.<lambda>] Cell variable field_obj defined in loop
marshmallow/ [W0640(cell-var-from-loop), Unmarshaller.deserialize.<lambda>] Cell variable field_obj defined in loop
marshmallow/ [W0640(cell-var-from-loop), Unmarshaller.deserialize.<lambda>] Cell variable attr_name defined in loop
************* Module marshmallow.orderedset
marshmallow/ [C0325(superfluous-parens), ] Unnecessary parens after u'print' keyword
marshmallow/ [C0325(superfluous-parens), ] Unnecessary parens after u'print' keyword
marshmallow/ [C0325(superfluous-parens), ] Unnecessary parens after u'print' keyword
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), OrderedSet.discard] Redefining built-in 'next'
marshmallow/ [W0221(arguments-differ), OrderedSet.pop] Arguments number differs from overridden 'pop' method
************* Module marshmallow.class_registry
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 16 spaces).
'to import the class.'.format(classname))
^ |
marshmallow/ [C0330(bad-continuation), ] Wrong continued indentation (add 16 spaces).
'were found. Please use the full, '
^ |
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), get_class] Redefining built-in 'all'
************* Module marshmallow.validate
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), ] Redefining built-in 'basestring'
marshmallow/ [W1306(missing-format-attribute), Validator.__repr__] Missing format attribute u'error' in format specifier 'self.error'
marshmallow/ [E1124(redundant-keyword-arg), Validator.__repr__] Argument 'self' passed by position and keyword in method call
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), Range.__init__] Redefining built-in 'max'
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), Range.__init__] Redefining built-in 'min'
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), Length.__init__] Redefining built-in 'max'
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), Length.__init__] Redefining built-in 'min'
************* Module marshmallow.exceptions
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), ] Redefining built-in 'basestring'
************* Module marshmallow.compat
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), ] Redefining built-in 'basestring'
marshmallow/ [W0622(redefined-builtin), ] Redefining built-in 'unicode'
marshmallow/ [E0611(no-name-in-module), ] No name 'parse' in module 'urllib'
marshmallow/ [E0401(import-error), ] Unable to import 'urllib.parse'
marshmallow/ [R0204(redefined-variable-type), ] Redefinition of basestring type from type to tuple
marshmallow/ [C0412(ungrouped-imports), ] Imports from package collections are not grouped
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