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Created May 10, 2024 00:19
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from metaflow import metaflow_runner
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import ast
# fixme - it runner shouldn't require nest_asyncio in notebooks
import nest_asyncio
def get_cell():
from IPython import get_ipython
ipython = get_ipython()
if ipython:
return ipython.history_manager.input_hist_raw[-1]
def format_flowfile(cell):
flowspec = [x for x in ast.parse(cell).body
if isinstance(x, ast.ClassDef) and any( == 'FlowSpec' for b in x.bases)]
if not flowspec:
# fixme - nicer exception
raise Exception("No FlowSpec found in the cell")
lines = cell.splitlines()[:flowspec[0].end_lineno]
lines += ["if __name__ == '__main__':", f" {flowspec[0].name}()"]
return '\n'.join(lines)
# fixme - we can have a more versatile API - this is just a quick demo
def nbrun(flow, **kwargs):
cell = get_cell()
if cell:
# fixme - better directory management
import os
with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix=flow.__name__, suffix='.py', mode='w', delete=False) as tmp:
with metaflow_runner.Runner(, env={'JPY_PARENT_PID': ''}).run(**kwargs) as run:
# fixme - streaming logs
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