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Created March 16, 2023 07:08
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import random
from metaflow import FlowSpec, step, S3, Flow, Parameter, profile, kubernetes, conda, conda_base
# change columns according to your schema (or remove column list to load all)
COLUMNS = ['VendorID', 'tpep_pickup_datetime', 'tpep_dropoff_datetime']
# group parquet files as 1GB batches
def shard_data(src, batch_size=1_000_000_000):
with S3() as s3:
objs = s3.list_recursive([src])
while objs:
size = 0
batch = []
while objs and size < batch_size:
obj = objs.pop()
size += obj.size
yield batch
class ShardedDataFlow(FlowSpec):
s3root = Parameter('s3root', help="S3 root for data")
def start(self):
self.shards = list(shard_data(self.s3root)), foreach='shards')
@conda(libraries={'pyarrow': '5.0.0'})
def process_shard_arrow(self):
import pyarrow
from pyarrow.parquet import ParquetFile
self.shard_files = self.input
with S3() as s3:
with profile('loading data'):
objs = s3.get_many(self.shard_files)
with profile('deserializing parquet'):
table = pyarrow.concat_tables([ParquetFile(obj.path).read(columns=COLUMNS) for obj in objs])
self.arrow_table_len = len(table)
@conda(libraries={'polars': '0.16.13'})
def process_shard_polars(self):
import polars
self.shard_files = self.input
with S3() as s3:
with profile('loading data'):
objs = s3.get_many(self.shard_files)
with profile('deserializing polars'):
table = polars.concat([polars.read_parquet(obj.path, columns=COLUMNS) for obj in objs])
print('table', table)
self.polars_table_len = len(table)
def join(self, inputs):
print('total rows', sum(inp.arrow_table_len for inp in inputs))
def end(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
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