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Created March 11, 2018 05:53
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# nm -Du /usr/lib/
w _ITM_deregisterTMCloneTable
w _ITM_registerTMCloneTable
w __cxa_finalize
U __errno_location
w __gmon_start__
U atan2f
U calloc
U dlopen
U dlsym
U exit
U fflush
U floorf
U fprintf
U free
U fwrite
U getenv
U gl11_client_state_init
U gl20_client_state_init
U glBufferSubData
U glDiscardFramebufferEXT
U glFinish
U glFlush
U glPointSizePointerOES
U glintAttribPointer
U glxx_buffer_info_get
U glxx_buffer_info_set
U glxx_client_BindFramebuffer
U glxx_client_BindRenderbuffer
U glxx_client_CheckFramebufferStatus
U glxx_client_DeleteFramebuffers
U glxx_client_DeleteRenderbuffers
U glxx_client_FramebufferRenderbuffer
U glxx_client_FramebufferTexture2D
U glxx_client_GenFramebuffers
U glxx_client_GenRenderbuffers
U glxx_client_GenerateMipmap
U glxx_client_GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv
U glxx_client_GetRenderbufferParameteriv
U glxx_client_IsFramebuffer
U glxx_client_IsRenderbuffer
U glxx_client_RenderbufferStorage
U glxx_client_state_free
U glxx_set_error
U glxx_set_error_api
U memcmp
U memcpy
U memset
U printf
U pthread_getspecific
U pthread_key_create
U pthread_key_delete
U pthread_mutex_init
U pthread_mutex_lock
U pthread_mutex_unlock
U pthread_setspecific
U sem_destroy
U sem_getvalue
U sem_init
U sem_post
U sem_wait
U sincosf
U sqrtf
U stderr
U strcmp
U strlen
U strtol
U vc_dispmanx_display_close
U vc_dispmanx_display_get_info
U vc_dispmanx_display_open
U vc_dispmanx_element_add
U vc_dispmanx_resource_create
U vc_dispmanx_resource_delete
U vc_dispmanx_update_start
U vc_dispmanx_update_submit_sync
U vchiq_connect
U vchiq_get_client_id
U vchiq_initialise
U vchiq_open_service
U vchiq_queue_bulk_receive
U vchiq_queue_bulk_transmit
U vchiq_queue_message
U vchiq_release_message
U vchiu_queue_init
U vchiu_queue_pop
U vchiu_queue_push
U vcos_generic_mem_alloc
U vcos_generic_mem_free
U vcos_generic_named_semaphore_create
U vcos_generic_reentrant_mutex_create
U vcos_generic_reentrant_mutex_delete
U vcos_generic_reentrant_mutex_lock
U vcos_generic_reentrant_mutex_unlock
U vcos_log_impl
U vcos_log_register
U vcos_log_unregister
U vcos_named_semaphore_delete
U vcos_pthreads_map_errno
U vcos_snprintf
U vcos_thread_at_exit
U wl_buffer_interface
U wl_callback_interface
U wl_display_create_queue
U wl_display_dispatch_pending
U wl_display_dispatch_queue
U wl_display_flush
U wl_display_interface
U wl_global_create
U wl_global_destroy
U wl_proxy_add_listener
U wl_proxy_destroy
U wl_proxy_get_user_data
U wl_proxy_marshal
U wl_proxy_marshal_constructor
U wl_proxy_marshal_constructor_versioned
U wl_proxy_set_queue
U wl_registry_interface
U wl_resource_create
U wl_resource_destroy
U wl_resource_get_user_data
U wl_resource_instance_of
U wl_resource_post_error
U wl_resource_post_event
U wl_resource_post_no_memory
U wl_resource_set_implementation
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