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Last active July 22, 2021 13:14
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* typeorm-cli very fast fixtures loading (based on transactions)
* Usage example :
* ts-node typeorm-fixtures-cli.ts --fixturesPath ./fixtures --transactionBatchSize 250 --delete
import * as path from 'path'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import { program } from 'commander'
import { Builder, fixturesIterator, IEntity, Loader, Parser, Resolver } from 'typeorm-fixtures-cli'
import { getConnection } from '@/clients/typeOrm'
import { getRepository } from 'typeorm'
interface Options {
fixturesPath: string,
transactionBatchSize: number
deleteEnabled: boolean
.requiredOption('-p, --fixturesPath <path>', 'fixtures directory path', './fixtures')
.requiredOption('-s, --transactionBatchSize <size>', 'transaction batch size', '250')
.option('-d, --delete', 'enable data deleting before loading fixtures')
const opts = program.opts()
const options = {
fixturesPath: opts.fixturesPath,
transactionBatchSize: parseInt(opts.transactionBatchSize),
deleteEnabled: opts.delete || false
const loadFixtures = async (options: Options) => {
const { fixturesPath, transactionBatchSize, deleteEnabled } = options
const connection = await getConnection()
await connection.synchronize(false)
const queryRunner = connection.createQueryRunner()
try {
const loader = new Loader()
// load fixtures files
fs.readdirSync(fixturesPath).forEach(file => {
const fullPath = path.resolve(fixturesPath, file)
if (fs.lstatSync(fullPath).isDirectory()) {
const resolver = new Resolver()
const fixtures = resolver.resolve(loader.fixtureConfigs)
const builder = new Builder(connection, new Parser())
let total = 0
const entitiesMap = new Map<string, IEntity[]>()
const entityTableMapping = new Map<string, string>()
for (const fixture of fixturesIterator(fixtures)) {
const entity = await
const { name } = entity.constructor
if (!entityTableMapping.has(name)) {
entityTableMapping.set(name, getRepository(name).metadata.tableName)
if (!entitiesMap.has(name)) {
entitiesMap.set(name, [])
console.log('total fixtures:', total)
// =================== WRITE TRANSACTION ========================
await queryRunner.startTransaction()
const truncatePromises = []
if (deleteEnabled) {
for (const [k, v] of entityTableMapping) {
// console.log('truncate ', v)
truncatePromises.push(queryRunner.query(`TRUNCATE TABLE ${v} CASCADE`))
process.stdout.write('deleting ... ')
await Promise.all(truncatePromises)
for (const [entityName, entities] of entitiesMap) {
const total = entities.length
const savePromises = []
while (entities.length > 0) {
const entitiesBatch = entities.splice(0, transactionBatchSize)
savePromises.push(, entitiesBatch))
process.stdout.write(`persisting "${entityName}" ${total} fixture(s) ... `)
await Promise.all(savePromises)
await queryRunner.commitTransaction()
} catch (err) {
if (queryRunner.isTransactionActive) {
await queryRunner.rollbackTransaction()
throw err
} finally {
await queryRunner.release()
if (connection) {
await connection.close()
.then(() => {
console.log('Fixtures are successfully loaded.')
.catch(err => console.log(err))
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