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Created December 12, 2016 15:23
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How to migrate an existing repo to a lfs repo.

The tool can be found here.

I recommend to migrate an existing repo to a new repo with lfs support activated and delte the old one afterwards.


Java8 needed check with:

java -version

check for the line

java version "1.8.0_111"

Download latest version and extract it

Check for latest version at: It was 0.2.4 when I was using it

cd ~
unzip -d git-lfs-migrate

Now we have the git-lfs-migrate tool installed under the users home directory: ~/git-lfs-migrate/

Activate lfs support in your git repo

To get lfs working, make sure you activate lfs support in your repo. In this example this would be:

Using the tool

Clone/Mirror the repo you want to migrate.

Clone the repo you want to migrate with following git command. Replace the url with the one of repository you want to migrate.

ATTENTION: This can take a while, grab some coffee on large repos :)

git clone --mirror

Convert the repo

java -jar ~/git-lfs-migrate/git-lfs-migrate.jar \
     -s example.git \
     -d example.git-converted.git \
     -g \
     "*.rpm" \

The parameters are the following:

  • -s is the source repo
  • -d is the destination repo
  • -g is the url to the lfs git repo / you can add the origin later and leave this parameter out.
  • *.rpm and *.jar are added to the .gitattributes as files to handle with the lfs

To get a full list of parameters call the following command:

java -jar ~/git-lfs-migrate/git-lfs-migrate.jar --help

Push the migrated repo to the server

git push --mirror

Done :)

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