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Created September 19, 2011 13:21
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Sep 19 18:00:57 * vaidik (75d35d4a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #fedora-websites
Sep 19 18:01:13 <vaidik> tuxdna: hi
Sep 19 18:02:18 <tuxdna> vaidik, hi!
Sep 19 18:02:36 schendje shaiton Shrink sijis Sonar_Gal sonar_logger2
Sep 19 18:02:40 <tuxdna> Shrink, hi
Sep 19 18:02:49 <Shrink> hi
Sep 19 18:03:15 * underscores has quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
Sep 19 18:03:31 <tuxdna> vaidik, Shrink: I guess all of us have read the discussion on the mailing list.
Sep 19 18:03:44 <Shrink> I guess
Sep 19 18:04:45 <tuxdna> vaidik, you mentioned about FAS account. I think it also supports OpenID. Shrink do you have an idea if we can use FAS as OpenID ?
Sep 19 18:04:47 <vaidik> Yes I have
Sep 19 18:05:25 * tuxdna searchd and found this
Sep 19 18:05:44 schendje shaiton Shrink sijis Sonar_Gal sonar_logger2
Sep 19 18:07:12 <tuxdna> vaidik, Shrink: when I tried to setup a COD instance earlier, I configured an OpenID module for Drupal. We can use that module for OpenID.
Sep 19 18:08:21 <tuxdna> I think the problem of authentication would be solved with OpenID. It would work for all kinds of user, regardless of them willing to create a FAS account or not.
Sep 19 18:09:42 <vaidik> tuxdna: IMHO, I think that OpenID kind of puts others (at least me) awat from using something.
Sep 19 18:09:49 <tuxdna> For the server where we will tweak and test the website, we would need to coordinate with DGPLUG guys.
Sep 19 18:10:23 <tuxdna> vaidik, can you explain?
Sep 19 18:10:39 <tuxdna> DGPLUG is
Sep 19 18:11:11 <vaidik> tuxdna: I think OpenID is not something that people generally use a lot. FAS is rather easy to use as it is simple register, confirm and use kinda thing.
Sep 19 18:11:25 <vaidik> Whereas OpenID becomes irritating for some people to use.
Sep 19 18:12:31 <vaidik> having said that, that's just a usability issue. That's it!
Sep 19 18:14:45 <tuxdna> vaidik, I got the point. Lets make it simple. In that we can use it with FAS just the way Fedora Insight uses it.
Sep 19 18:16:46 * pjp (pjp@nat/redhat/x-tbvhtmwigaaqvzwu) has joined #fedora-websites
Sep 19 18:16:50 <pjp> tuxdna:
Sep 19 18:17:03 <tuxdna> pjp, thanks
Sep 19 18:17:45 <pjp> tuxdna: it imports fedora.client and then does the verify_password call,
Sep 19 18:18:01 <Shrink> Do you really want to restrict logins to FAS accounts, or do you want to use other auth mechanisms as well ?
Sep 19 18:18:28 <tuxdna> pjp, so fedora.client is a Python module that doesn the authentication?
Sep 19 18:18:53 <pjp> tuxdna: yes, it does the authentication
Sep 19 18:19:04 <tuxdna> pjp, ok got it.
Sep 19 18:19:52 <tuxdna> Shrink, our assumption is that we would ask everyone to have a FAS account, if they don't have it already. Otherwise I thought of using OpenID.
Sep 19 18:20:23 <Shrink> tuxdna, Could be give lastuser a spin ?
Sep 19 18:20:46 <tuxdna> Shrink, I am not familiar with lastuser.
Sep 19 18:21:29 <tuxdna> vaidik, Shrink : I have asked Kushal Das to setup some space and domain name for us to use for development stuff. We would have to wait for that.
Sep 19 18:21:49 <Shrink> tuxdna, already has an instance of lastuser running, he should allow us to use that.
Sep 19 18:22:02 <Shrink> tuxdna,
Sep 19 18:23:01 <tuxdna> Shrink, how does it solve our problem of multiple kinds of authentication ( FAS, OpenID etc. ) ?
Sep 19 18:23:06 <Shrink> I don't think limiting auth to FAS is a good idea, to be able to uniquely identify a user should be good enough.
Sep 19 18:23:26 <tuxdna> Shrink, I agree with that.
Sep 19 18:23:57 <Shrink> tuxdna, It's a layer over different auth mechanisms. So it will take care of authenticating users.
Sep 19 18:24:17 <tuxdna> Shrink, ok.
Sep 19 18:25:32 * LoKoMurdoK (~lbazan@ has joined #fedora-websites
Sep 19 18:25:51 <tuxdna> vaidik, I did some experimenting with OpenShift and PHP/Drupal. OpenShift can be used to develop PHP apps, and share our work by passing around public URLs. However I got into a few problems with it. Let me describe.
Sep 19 18:27:39 <tuxdna> The major roadblock is that we can only store files there. So the only option for database is SQLITE.
Sep 19 18:28:32 * mether (Rahul@fedora/mether) has joined #fedora-websites
Sep 19 18:28:42 <tuxdna> Now with Drupal6, AFAIK, it doesn't have SQLITE support. However Drupal7 does. But the OpenShift doesn't work well with Drupal7.
Sep 19 18:29:20 <tuxdna> that is because COD is still in porting efforts towards Drupal 7.
Sep 19 18:29:39 <vaidik> tuxdna: yes! That's an issue. But we don't have to depend upon OpenShift, do we?
Sep 19 18:30:06 <tuxdna> vaidik, that is an option if we want to have a publicly sharable URL for teaking stuff.
Sep 19 18:30:46 <tuxdna> if you have a hosting space, then you might use that. OR just pass around the tar.gz of the whole installation, wich we can load in our system.
Sep 19 18:31:19 <vaidik> tuxdna: I have a cloud hosting space, which will be available for a while
Sep 19 18:31:28 <vaidik> At least until FUDCon Pune
Sep 19 18:31:44 <tuxdna> vaidik, cool :)
Sep 19 18:31:46 <vaidik> We can use that and migrate the website to the final hosting instance where we would like the websit eto be.
Sep 19 18:32:21 <vaidik> tuxdna: Cool! Just pass on a list of people who are going to work. I will give access to everyone.
Sep 19 18:32:46 <tuxdna> vaidik, currently its tuxdna , Shrink, and vaidik
Sep 19 18:33:22 <tuxdna> vaidik, you can let us know via email.
Sep 19 18:33:43 * pwbarnes (~nman64@fedora/nman64) has joined #fedora-websites
Sep 19 18:33:49 <vaidik> Cool! So I will do the following ASAP => give access to everyone on my hosting. Set up COD for initial working. Inform everyone.
Sep 19 18:34:14 <tuxdna> vaidik, Shrink: I will try and assemble all the configuration that I did with COD and upload those files, and pass you the link.
Sep 19 18:34:25 <tuxdna> vaidik, sounds like a plan.
Sep 19 18:35:37 <tuxdna> Right now we can focus on getting all the functionality up. We can defer Theming for the time-being.
Sep 19 18:35:55 <tuxdna> I will create a wiki page on where we can track all the tasks.
Sep 19 18:36:16 <vaidik> tuxdna: Can we have all the features in the wiki as well...features that we need to have in the website.
Sep 19 18:36:35 <tuxdna> vaidik, yeah. I will add them too.
Sep 19 18:36:51 <tuxdna> Shrink, do you want to add anything ?
Sep 19 18:40:10 <Shrink> Sounds good to me
Sep 19 18:40:43 <tuxdna> vaidik, Shrink: alright then we can call it off for now and get back to work :) ?
Sep 19 18:41:30 <vaidik> tuxdna: Yes! ;)
Sep 19 18:41:44 <tuxdna> vaidik, Shrink: bye
Sep 19 18:41:50 <tuxdna> :)
Sep 19 18:41:51 <vaidik> tuxdna: will you be putting today's IRC logs somewhere?
Sep 19 18:42:01 <tuxdna> vaidik, yeah. I will
Sep 19 18:42:12 <vaidik> tuxdna: cool! Bye!
Sep 19 18:43:43 * harvish (~harvish@ has joined #fedora-websites
Sep 19 18:44:05 * harvish has quit (Client Quit)
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