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Last active July 11, 2018 06:44
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QRNN for TF1.4.1 (modified from (MIT Licenced))
# QRNN for TensorFlow 1.4
# This is a fork of QRNN implementation in (MIT Licenced)
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.python.keras import backend as K
from tensorflow.python.keras import activations, initializers, regularizers, constraints
from tensorflow.python.keras.layers import Layer, InputSpec
# Paste directly from latest keras source since this is not available in TF 1.4.1.
# from tensorflow.python.keras.utils.conv_utils import conv_output_length
def conv_output_length(input_length, filter_size,
padding, stride, dilation=1):
"""Determines output length of a convolution given input length.
# Arguments
input_length: integer.
filter_size: integer.
padding: one of "same", "valid", "full".
stride: integer.
dilation: dilation rate, integer.
# Returns
The output length (integer).
if input_length is None:
return None
assert padding in {'same', 'valid', 'full', 'causal'}
dilated_filter_size = filter_size + (filter_size - 1) * (dilation - 1)
if padding == 'same':
output_length = input_length
elif padding == 'valid':
output_length = input_length - dilated_filter_size + 1
elif padding == 'causal':
output_length = input_length
elif padding == 'full':
output_length = input_length + dilated_filter_size - 1
return (output_length + stride - 1) // stride
def _dropout(x, level, noise_shape=None, seed=None):
x = K.dropout(x, level, noise_shape, seed)
x *= (1. - level) # compensate for the scaling by the dropout
return x
class QRNN(Layer):
"""Quasi RNN
# Arguments
units: dimension of the internal projections and the final output.
# References
- [Quasi-recurrent Neural Networks](
def __init__(self, units, window_size=2, stride=1,
return_sequences=False, go_backwards=False,
stateful=False, unroll=False, activation='tanh',
kernel_initializer='uniform', bias_initializer='zero',
kernel_regularizer=None, bias_regularizer=None,
kernel_constraint=None, bias_constraint=None,
dropout=0, use_bias=True, input_dim=None, input_length=None,
self.return_sequences = return_sequences
self.go_backwards = go_backwards
self.stateful = stateful
self.unroll = unroll
self.units = units
self.window_size = window_size
self.strides = (stride, 1)
self.use_bias = use_bias
self.activation = activations.get(activation)
self.kernel_initializer = initializers.get(kernel_initializer)
self.bias_initializer = initializers.get(bias_initializer)
self.kernel_regularizer = regularizers.get(kernel_regularizer)
self.bias_regularizer = regularizers.get(bias_regularizer)
self.activity_regularizer = regularizers.get(activity_regularizer)
self.kernel_constraint = constraints.get(kernel_constraint)
self.bias_constraint = constraints.get(bias_constraint)
self.dropout = dropout
self.supports_masking = True
self.input_spec = [InputSpec(ndim=3)]
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.input_length = input_length
if self.input_dim:
kwargs['input_shape'] = (self.input_length, self.input_dim)
super(QRNN, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def build(self, input_shape):
if isinstance(input_shape, list):
input_shape = input_shape[0]
batch_size = input_shape[0] if self.stateful else None
self.input_dim = input_shape[2]
self.input_spec = InputSpec(shape=(batch_size, None, self.input_dim))
self.state_spec = InputSpec(shape=(batch_size, self.units))
self.states = [None]
if self.stateful:
kernel_shape = (self.window_size, 1, self.input_dim, self.units * 3)
self.kernel = self.add_weight(name='kernel',
if self.use_bias:
self.bias = self.add_weight(name='bias',
shape=(self.units * 3,),
self.built = True
def compute_output_shape(self, input_shape):
if isinstance(input_shape, list):
input_shape = input_shape[0]
length = input_shape[1]
if length:
length = conv_output_length(length + self.window_size - 1,
self.window_size, 'valid',
if self.return_sequences:
return (input_shape[0], length, self.units)
return (input_shape[0], self.units)
def compute_mask(self, inputs, mask):
if self.return_sequences:
return mask
return None
def get_initial_states(self, inputs):
# build an all-zero tensor of shape (samples, units)
initial_state = K.zeros_like(inputs) # (samples, timesteps, input_dim)
initial_state = K.sum(initial_state, axis=(1, 2)) # (samples,)
initial_state = K.expand_dims(initial_state) # (samples, 1)
# initial_state = K.tile(initial_state, [1, self.units]) # (samples, units)
initial_state = tf.tile(initial_state, [1, self.units]) # (samples, units)
initial_states = [initial_state for _ in range(len(self.states))]
return initial_states
def reset_states(self, states=None):
if not self.stateful:
raise AttributeError('Layer must be stateful.')
if not self.input_spec:
raise RuntimeError('Layer has never been called '
'and thus has no states.')
batch_size = self.input_spec.shape[0]
if not batch_size:
raise ValueError('If a QRNN is stateful, it needs to know '
'its batch size. Specify the batch size '
'of your input tensors: \n'
'- If using a Sequential model, '
'specify the batch size by passing '
'a `batch_input_shape` '
'argument to your first layer.\n'
'- If using the functional API, specify '
'the time dimension by passing a '
'`batch_shape` argument to your Input layer.')
if self.states[0] is None:
self.states = [K.zeros((batch_size, self.units))
for _ in self.states]
elif states is None:
for state in self.states:
K.set_value(state, np.zeros((batch_size, self.units)))
if not isinstance(states, (list, tuple)):
states = [states]
if len(states) != len(self.states):
raise ValueError('Layer ' + + ' expects ' +
str(len(self.states)) + ' states, '
'but it received ' + str(len(states)) +
'state values. Input received: ' +
for index, (value, state) in enumerate(zip(states, self.states)):
if value.shape != (batch_size, self.units):
raise ValueError('State ' + str(index) +
' is incompatible with layer ' + + ': expected shape=' +
str((batch_size, self.units)) +
', found shape=' + str(value.shape))
K.set_value(state, value)
def __call__(self, inputs, initial_state=None, **kwargs):
# If `initial_state` is specified,
# and if it a Keras tensor,
# then add it to the inputs and temporarily
# modify the input spec to include the state.
if initial_state is not None:
if hasattr(initial_state, '_keras_history'):
# Compute the full input spec, including state
input_spec = self.input_spec
state_spec = self.state_spec
if not isinstance(state_spec, list):
state_spec = [state_spec]
self.input_spec = [input_spec] + state_spec
# Compute the full inputs, including state
if not isinstance(initial_state, (list, tuple)):
initial_state = [initial_state]
inputs = [inputs] + list(initial_state)
# Perform the call
output = super(QRNN, self).__call__(inputs, **kwargs)
# Restore original input spec
self.input_spec = input_spec
return output
kwargs['initial_state'] = initial_state
return super(QRNN, self).__call__(inputs, **kwargs)
def call(self, inputs, mask=None, initial_state=None, training=None):
# input shape: `(samples, time (padded with zeros), input_dim)`
# note that the .build() method of subclasses MUST define
# self.input_spec and self.state_spec with complete input shapes.
if isinstance(inputs, list):
initial_states = inputs[1:]
inputs = inputs[0]
elif initial_state is not None:
elif self.stateful:
initial_states = self.states
initial_states = self.get_initial_states(inputs)
if len(initial_states) != len(self.states):
raise ValueError('Layer has ' + str(len(self.states)) +
' states but was passed ' +
str(len(initial_states)) +
' initial states.')
input_shape = K.int_shape(inputs)
if self.unroll and input_shape[1] is None:
raise ValueError('Cannot unroll a RNN if the '
'time dimension is undefined. \n'
'- If using a Sequential model, '
'specify the time dimension by passing '
'an `input_shape` or `batch_input_shape` '
'argument to your first layer. If your '
'first layer is an Embedding, you can '
'also use the `input_length` argument.\n'
'- If using the functional API, specify '
'the time dimension by passing a `shape` '
'or `batch_shape` argument to your Input layer.')
constants = self.get_constants(inputs, training=None)
preprocessed_input = self.preprocess_input(inputs, training=None)
last_output, outputs, states = K.rnn(self.step, preprocessed_input,
# input_length=input_shape[1]) not available in TF1.4
if self.stateful:
updates = []
for i in range(len(states)):
updates.append((self.states[i], states[i]))
self.add_update(updates, inputs)
# Properly set learning phase
if 0 < self.dropout < 1:
last_output._uses_learning_phase = True
outputs._uses_learning_phase = True
if self.return_sequences:
return outputs
return last_output
def preprocess_input(self, inputs, training=None):
if self.window_size > 1:
inputs = K.temporal_padding(inputs, (self.window_size - 1, 0))
inputs = K.expand_dims(inputs, 2) # add a dummy dimension
output = K.conv2d(inputs, self.kernel, strides=self.strides,
output = K.squeeze(output, 2) # remove the dummy dimension
if self.use_bias:
output = K.bias_add(output, self.bias, data_format='channels_last')
if self.dropout is not None and 0. < self.dropout < 1.:
z = output[:, :, :self.units]
f = output[:, :, self.units:2 * self.units]
o = output[:, :, 2 * self.units:]
f = K.in_train_phase(1 - _dropout(1 - f, self.dropout), f, training=training)
return K.concatenate([z, f, o], -1)
return output
def step(self, inputs, states):
prev_output = states[0]
z = inputs[:, :self.units]
f = inputs[:, self.units:2 * self.units]
o = inputs[:, 2 * self.units:]
z = self.activation(z)
f = f if self.dropout is not None and 0. < self.dropout < 1. else K.sigmoid(f)
o = K.sigmoid(o)
output = f * prev_output + (1 - f) * z
output = o * output
return output, [output]
def get_constants(self, inputs, training=None):
return []
def get_config(self):
config = {'units': self.units,
'window_size': self.window_size,
'stride': self.strides[0],
'return_sequences': self.return_sequences,
'go_backwards': self.go_backwards,
'stateful': self.stateful,
'unroll': self.unroll,
'use_bias': self.use_bias,
'dropout': self.dropout,
'activation': activations.serialize(self.activation),
'kernel_initializer': initializers.serialize(self.kernel_initializer),
'bias_initializer': initializers.serialize(self.bias_initializer),
'kernel_regularizer': regularizers.serialize(self.kernel_regularizer),
'bias_regularizer': regularizers.serialize(self.bias_regularizer),
'activity_regularizer': regularizers.serialize(self.activity_regularizer),
'kernel_constraint': constraints.serialize(self.kernel_constraint),
'bias_constraint': constraints.serialize(self.bias_constraint),
'input_dim': self.input_dim,
'input_length': self.input_length}
base_config = super(QRNN, self).get_config()
return dict(list(base_config.items()) + list(config.items()))
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