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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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sync apache configs/ via git and www folders between nodes
#Purpose:To update apache configs via git to the rest of the apache servers
#Note: This script should only be run from node01 to keep things consistent
#Date: 11/09/2014
#Author: Mohan
#HOST IPS are read from hosts file in the current dir
. hosts
echo "Pushing configs to git repo"
git push origin master
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo "Push Completed" || { echo "ERROR: Uploading Configs check gitrepo/nework" && exit 2; }
echo "\n\n"
for host in $MOD_HOSTS;
do echo -e "Updating Host ${host}:\n"
ssh -q -l root ${host} "{ cd /etc/httpd; git status; git pull; apachectl -t; \
[ \$? -eq 0 ] && service httpd reload || \
echo -e "\n Error updating configs in host $host. Please check Manually and reload apache"; };"
[root@node01 httpd (master)]# cat hosts
#SSH Keys based auth should be in place for it to work.
#Purpose:To keep /var/www folders between machines in sync via rsync
#Note: This script should only be run from node01 to keep things consistent
#Date: 15/09/2014
#Author: Mohan
#HOST IPS are read from hosts file
. hosts
for host in $MOD_HOSTS;
echo -e "\nUpdating /var/www in Host ${host}:\n"
cd /var/www;
rsync -avzr --progress * -e "ssh -q" root@${host}:/var/www/
echo -e "done\n"
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