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Created May 5, 2016 10:12
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import sys
import struct
import time
from opster import command, dispatch
header = struct.Struct('iii')
def replay(filename, factor=('f', 1, 'Speedup factor')):
main(filename, 'replay', factor=factor)
def typing(filename):
main(filename, 'typing')
def inspect(filename):
main(filename, 'inspect')
def main(filename, action, factor=1):
winid = int(os.getenv('WINDOWID'))
script = open(filename)
basetime = None
prevtime = None
stepnum = 0
args = []
while True:
data =
if not data:
sec, usec, n = header.unpack(data)
curtime = sec + usec/1000000.0
if basetime is None:
basetime = prevtime = curtime
delay = curtime-prevtime
prevtime = curtime
data =
if action == 'inspect':
print '%8.4f %4d %s' % (delay, n, `data[:40]`)
if action == 'replay':
elif action == 'typing':
delay = 0
if n == 1:
delay = 0.2
elif data.startswith('\r\n'):
delay = 0.5
if delay:
os.system('import -window %s step%03d.gif' % (winid, stepnum))
#print '-delay %d step%03d.gif' % (delay*100, stepnum),
if __name__ == '__main__':
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kdallas commented Mar 22, 2017

It might be worth mentioning that this script will only run on a terminal opened in an X GUI, (i.e. GNOME/KDE etc).
You can get as far as recording your terminal with ttyrec, but that is it!

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