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Last active November 2, 2020 23:19
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# hiera
- ''
- ''
'port': 8080
- ''
- ''
'port': 8081
- ''
- ''
'port': 8080
- ''
- ''
port: 8081
# Puppet class
class config (
$upstream.each |$key, $value| {
concat::fragment { $key:
target => '/etc/config',
content => template('config/upstream.erb'),
# Puppet template
upstream portal<%= @key %> {
<%- @value['ips'].each do |ip| -%>
server <%= ip %>:<%= @value['port'] %> weight=1 max_fails=2 fail_timeout=5s;
<%- end -%>
# declaration
class { 'config':
upstream => {
'abc_core' => {
'ips' => [ '', ''],
'port' => 8080
'abc_cp_core' => {
'ips' => [ '', ''],
'port' => 8081
'def_core' => {
'ips' => [ '', ''],
'port' => 8080
'def_cp_core' => {
'ips' => [ '', ''],
port => 8081
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