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Created April 26, 2012 02:10
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cp w/ progress bar and time estimate
set -e
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo "cppv - copy files with progress bar and rate limiting ability"
echo "Usage: cppv source_file[s] destination_file_or_directory"
echo "No other non-positional command line arguments can be given"
echo "Always recurses like find"
echo "You can change copying speed limit on the fly with \"pv -R\" if you find out pv's PID"
echo "Use FIND_OPTS, PV_OPTS, CPIO_O_OPTS, CPIO_I_OPTS to override arguments to the pipeline parts"
echo "Examples:"
echo " cppv a b # Copy file a to b. Just calls \"pv a > b\""
echo " cppv a d/ # Copy file a to d/a. Calls \"find a | cpio -o | pv | (cd d && cpio -i)\""
echo " cppv *{01..26}*.mkv /mnt/usb/ # Copy all matching files to /mnt/usb/."
echo " cppv dir1 dir2 # duplicate dir1"
echo " PV_OPTS=\"-L 1M\" cppv . /tmp/ # Limit copying rate to 1M"
echo " cppv /home/vi/bin /tmp/ # Warning: Copy /home/vi/bin to /tmp/home/vi/bin"
exit 1
true ${CPIO_O_OPTS:="-H newc -0o"}
true ${CPIO_I_OPTS:="-0diu --no-absolute-filenames"}
true ${FIND_OPTS:="-depth -print0"}
ARGS=( "$@" );
unset ARGS[$#-1];
if [[ ( "${1:0:1}" == "-" && ! -e "$1" ) || ( "${DEST:0:1}" == "-" && ! -e "$DEST" ) ]]; then
echo "There should not be any command line options. Only file names." >&2
exit 1;
if [[ $# > 2 || "${DEST:${#DEST}-1:1}" == "/" || -d $DEST ]]; then
elif [[ -d "$1" && ! -d "$2" ]]; then
mkdir "$DEST";
DEST=`readlink -f "$DEST"`;
cd "$1";
if [ $DIRMODE == 0 ]; then
pv "$1" > "$2" && exit 0;
if [ ! -d "$DEST" ]; then
echo Not a directory: "$DEST" >&2
exit 1
if [ "${1:0:1}" == "/" ]; then
echo "Warning: it will do a bit different thing than usual cp" >&2
echo " For example, copying $1 to $DEST$1, not to $DEST/`basename $1`" >&2
SIZE=`du -sb "${ARGS[@]}" | perl -ne '/^(\d+)/ and $q+=$1; END{print $q}'`
find "${ARGS[@]}" $FIND_OPTS | cpio $CPIO_O_OPTS | pv -s $SIZE $PV_OPTS | (cd "$DEST" && cpio $CPIO_I_OPTS)
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