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Created November 12, 2017 15:30
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MVVM - C# Snippets (Visual Studio for Mac)
public static readonly BindableProperty $Name$Property = BindableProperty.Create(
public $Type$ $Name$
get { return ($Type$)GetValue($Name$Property); }
set { SetValue($Name$Property, value); }
ICommand _$name$Command;
public ICommand $name$Command
get { return (_$name$Command = _$name$Command ?? new Command<$type$>(Execute$name$Command, CanExecute$name$Command)); }
bool CanExecute$name$Command($type$ obj) { return true; }
void Execute$name$Command($type$ obj) {}
$type$ _$name$;
public $type$ $name$
get => _$name$;
set => SetProperty(ref _$name$, value);
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