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Created August 13, 2020 22:36
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A quick Sentient program to solve a sudoku posted in a tweet
# A quick Sentient program to solve the sudoku posted in this tweet:
function main () {
array9<array9<int5>> sudoku;
sudoku.each(function (row) {
invariant row.uniq?;
invariant row.all?(function (n) {
return n.between?(1, 9);
sudoku.transpose.each(function (column) {
invariant column.uniq?;
sudoku.boxes.each(function (box) {
invariant box.uniq?;
invariant sudoku[0][3].even?;
invariant sudoku[1][2].odd?;
invariant sudoku[2][1].even?;
invariant sudoku[3][0].odd?;
invariant sudoku[0][7].even?;
invariant sudoku[1][6].odd?;
invariant sudoku[2][5].even?;
invariant sudoku[3][4].odd?;
invariant sudoku[4][3].even?;
invariant sudoku[5][2].odd?;
invariant sudoku[6][1].even?;
invariant sudoku[7][0].odd?;
invariant sudoku[3][8].odd?;
invariant sudoku[4][7].even?;
invariant sudoku[5][6].odd?;
invariant sudoku[6][5].even?;
invariant sudoku[7][4].odd?;
invariant sudoku[8][3].even?;
invariant sudoku[1][0] +
sudoku[2][1] +
sudoku[3][2] +
sudoku[4][3] +
sudoku[5][4] +
sudoku[6][5] +
sudoku[7][6] +
sudoku[8][7] == 56;
invariant sudoku[3][0] +
sudoku[4][1] +
sudoku[5][2] +
sudoku[6][3] +
sudoku[7][4] +
sudoku[8][5] == 18;
invariant sudoku[0][6] +
sudoku[1][7] +
sudoku[2][8] == 11;
invariant sudoku[0][3] +
sudoku[1][4] +
sudoku[2][5] +
sudoku[3][6] +
sudoku[4][7] +
sudoku[5][8] == 24;
invariant sudoku[0][5] +
sudoku[1][4] +
sudoku[2][3] +
sudoku[3][2] +
sudoku[4][1] +
sudoku[5][0] == 45;
invariant sudoku[8][2] +
sudoku[7][3] +
sudoku[6][4] +
sudoku[5][5] +
sudoku[4][6] +
sudoku[3][7] +
sudoku[2][8] == 25;
invariant sudoku[8][6] +
sudoku[7][7] +
sudoku[6][8] == 8;
expose sudoku;
function boxes (sudoku) {
boxes = [];
3.times(function^ (i) {
3.times(function^ (j) {
boxes = boxes.push(, j));
return boxes;
function box (sudoku, i, j) {
cells = [];
x = i * 3;
y = j * 3;
3.times(function^ (i) {
3.times(function^ (j) {
cells = cells.push(sudoku[x + i][y + j]);
return cells;
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