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Last active February 21, 2024 12:10
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function debug() {
echo "Stopped in REPL. Press ^D to resume, or ^C to abort."
local line
while read -r -p "> " line; do
eval "$line"
function up { ## Build the Infrastructure
echo "Launching Infrastructure"
docker-compose up -d
function down { ## Destory the Infrastructure
echo "Destroying Infrastructure"
docker-compose down
function rebuild { ## Destroy and rebuild Infrastructure
echo "Rebuilding Infrastructure"
function shell { ## Launch a shell in specified <service>
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo 1>&2 "Usage: $0 $FUNCNAME <service>";exit 3;fi
echo "Launching shell in service $1"
docker-compose exec $1 sh
function start { ## Start the Infrastructure or specific [service]
echo "Starting Infrastructure"
docker-compose start $1
function stop { ## Stop the Infrastructure or specific [service]
echo "Stopping Infrastructure"
docker-compose stop $1
function restart { ## Restart the Infrastructure or specific [service]
echo "Starting Infrastructure"
docker-compose restart $1
function list { ## List the Infrastructure
echo "Listing Infrastructure"
docker-compose ps
function cache { ## Cache control <list | clear> in specific <service>
if [ $# -ne 2 ]; then echo 1>&2 "Usage: $0 $FUNCNAME <list | clear> <service>";exit 3;fi
if [ $1 = "list" ]; then
docker-compose exec $2 sh -c 'ls -alth /tmp/cache'
if [ $1 = "clear" ]; then
docker-compose exec $2 sh -c 'rm -rf /tmp/cache'
# Need to restart container so process re-reads cache
stop $2
start $2
function list_env { ## List env args in specific <service>
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then echo 1>&2 "Usage: $0 $FUNCNAME <service>";exit 3;fi
docker-compose exec $1 sh -c 'set'
function logs { ## Display the logs for Infrastructure or specific [service]
docker-compose logs $1
function help { ## Display usage for this application
echo "$0 <task> <args>"
grep -E '^function [a-zA-Z_-]+ {.*?## .*$$' $0 | sed -e 's/function //' | sort | awk 'BEGIN {FS = "{.*?## "}; {printf "\033[93m%-30s\033[92m %s\033[0m\n", $1, $2}'
function default {
TIMEFORMAT="Task completed in %3lR"
time "${@:-default}"
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