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Last active November 2, 2017 16:41
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Save tvararu/8504812 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Getting a Meteor application under Node 0.10.28 running on Heroku Europe, with Mongolab
  1. Write a Meteor application. The earlier in your development cycle that you attempt this, the less of a chance that something goes horribly wrong.
  2. Replace the value of $APPLICATION_NAME with your preferred heroku subdomain, and do this:
  heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack --region eu $APPLICATION_NAME &&
  heroku addons:add mongolab:sandbox -a $APPLICATION_NAME &&
  heroku config:add MONGO_URL=`heroku config:get MONGOLAB_URI -a $APPLICATION_NAME` ROOT_URL=http://$ -a $APPLICATION_NAME &&
  heroku labs:enable websockets -a $APPLICATION_NAME

Afterwards, git push heroku master as usual.

Possible answers you may have to find:

  • To figure out what went wrong if Heroku is telling you there's "No such app" or whatever, run heroku logs --tail.
  • If my forked buildpack does not work anymore then you'll probably have to fall back to the original oortcloud one. Keep in mind that that one does not work on European servers (as of this writing) because it uses Mongohq (unavailable on EU) instead of Mongolab. My forked buildpack uses nothing and instead you have to use the above script.
  • You can avoid having to re-create the heroku application with a different buildpack by heroku config:set-ing a different BUILDPACK_URL, faking a commit (add a space anywhere and commit) and re-pushing your repo.
  • No, AFAIK Meteor doesn't work with more than one dyno yet.
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