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Tom Van Cutsem tvcutsem

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tvcutsem / horton.js
Created May 25, 2023 23:06
Horton in JavaScript: delegation with blame attribution in an object-capability language
* Horton in JavaScript: delegation with blame attribution in an object-capability language
* See for idea and paper.
* Implementation based on:
* (with N-ary message support, lexical nesting and rights amplification)
* To run:
tvcutsem / simpler-layer-cake.js
Created November 2, 2019 21:54
layer-cake without generators
// without generators
const {
create: objCreate,
getOwnPropertyDescriptors: gopds,
prototype: objPrototype,
} = Object;

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tvcutsem / doublelifting.js
Created September 12, 2013 12:18
An ES6 proxy making use of "double-lifting" (i.e. a proxy whose handler is a proxy). Allows you to write generic handlers that only have to implement a single trap, yet can intercept all possible operations.
// a proxy making use of "double-lifting" (i.e. a proxy whose handler is a proxy)
var metaHandler = {
get: function(dummyTarget, trapName, dummyReceiver) {
return function(...trapArgs) { // function acting as a generic trap, its this-binding is irrelevant
console.log("intercepting "+trapName);
return Reflect[trapName](...trapArgs); // forward manually
tvcutsem / membrane_dummy_getPrototypeOf.js
Created October 9, 2012 10:51
membranes with dummy target and getPrototypeOf
load('reflect.js'); //
function makeMembrane(initTarget) {
var cache = new WeakMap();
var revoked = false;
function wrap(target) {
if (Object(target) !== target) return target; // primitives are passed through
var wrapper = cache.get(target);
if (wrapper) return wrapper;
tvcutsem / membrane_getPrototypeOf.js
Created October 8, 2012 18:18
membranes and getPrototypeOf
load('reflect.js'); //
function makeMembrane(initTarget) {
var cache = new WeakMap();
var revoked = false;
function wrap(obj) {
if (Object(obj) !== obj) return obj; // primitives are passed through
var wrapper = cache.get(obj);
if (wrapper) return wrapper;
tvcutsem / Constructor.js
Created August 31, 2011 13:15
Constructor Function Proxies
* A convenience method to create a proper Constructor Function
* implemented as a function proxy
Proxy.createConstructor = function(handler, callTrap) {
var proto = new Object();
var ctor = Proxy.createFunction(
function() {
tvcutsem / deferredtest.html
Created June 22, 2011 18:08
Deferred functions in Javascript using Generators
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- using Kris Kowal's Q library, based on CommonJS Promises/B
Code based on ideas by Mark S. Miller and Dave Herman. The animation example
was taken from <>