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Created December 28, 2018 19:51
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Small fractions python calculator
author: Pure Python
copyright: CC BY-NC 4.0
creation date: 28-12-2018
Small script for calculating simple Fractions
Klein script om breuken uit te rekenen.
Calculates fractions like
1/2 * 2/4
3/4 - 2/27
2/34 / 2/43
1/2 + 4/5
import re
import operator
from fractions import Fraction
# setting the operation kinds for the calculation
ops = {'+': operator.add,
'-': operator.sub,
'/': operator.truediv,
':': operator.truediv,
'*': operator.mul}
# the regex to get the fractions and operator from the input
regex = r"([0-9]*\/[0-9*])(\+|\-|\*|\:|\/)([0-9]*\/[0-9*])"
breuk = False
while breuk is False: # keep looping until we have a valid fraction calculation
frac = input("Fraction calculation : ") # function allows user input.
frac = frac.replace(" ",'') # replace space with nothin
m = re.match(regex, frac, flags=0) # search for regex parts
if and and # check if parts are existing
break # when all there, break and continue
except: # when all goes wrong, keep asking!
# do the calculation and print on screen
print(ops[](Fraction(, Fraction(
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