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Tom Eastman tveastman

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import os
from TwitterAPI import TwitterAPI
api = TwitterAPI(
import os, argparse, twitter
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
args = parser.parse_args()
api = twitter.Api( # oauth credentials
os.environ['CONSUMER_KEY'], os.environ['CONSUMER_SECRET'],
os.environ['ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY'], os.environ['ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET'],
sleep_on_rate_limit=True # just pause execution
tveastman /
Created July 10, 2019 22:46
Here's an example of how I've used HashIds to create a non-numeric identifier for Django models based on their `id`.
import hashids
class HashidsMixin(object):
"""Add a unique 'identifier' mapped from the 'id' field of a django model."""
# Updating this salt would change every identifier for all instances of
# every model. This is probably a bad idea, so it should probably never
# ever change. It's not used for security -- just a little bit of extra
# obfuscation to the numbering.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import asyncio
async def get_stream_reader(loop, stream):
reader = asyncio.StreamReader(loop=loop)
reader_protocol = asyncio.StreamReaderProtocol(reader)
await loop.connect_read_pipe(lambda: reader_protocol, stream)
tveastman /
Created January 11, 2018 22:52
Demonstration of issue #449 in django-storages
#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
import logging
from shutil import copyfileobj
log = logging.getLogger()
# Reduce the logging level of botocore and boto3

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am tveastman on github.
  • I am tveastman ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBC4B4W44xbKepQGF1XDTQuvZcGWPaQ8zbEdZublyXwEwo

To claim this, I am signing this object: