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tvler / ImplicityTypedActionPayloadByActionType.ts
Last active April 22, 2020 00:39
Implicitly type an action payload by an action type
type ActionTypes = 'actionA' | 'actionB' | 'actionC' | 'actionNoPayload';
type ActionPayloads = {
actionA: { payload: number };
actionB: { payload: string };
actionC: { foo: boolean; bar: boolean };
type Actions = {
[key in ActionTypes]: {
tvler / IntersectionObserverBox.tsx
Last active December 21, 2020 23:24
A type-safe, polymorphic Box to wrap any forwardRef component with an Intersection Observer in React
import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";
* A type-safe, polymorphic Box to wrap any forwardRef component
* with an Intersection Observer. Designed to be used in an
* unknown-length array map setting (infinite feed, etc.).
* The `callback` prop is closed over the passed-in `id` prop.
* This allows the `callback` prop to keep reference-equality
* between renders using something like `useCallback`, which
tvler / MockedApolloClient.ts
Created January 14, 2021 00:14
A mocked version of ApolloClient for Jest tests
import { ApolloCache, ApolloClient, ApolloLink, NormalizedCacheObject } from '@apollo/client';
class MockedApolloLink extends ApolloLink {
split = jest.fn();
concat = jest.fn();
request = jest.fn();
setOnError = jest.fn();
protected onError = jest.fn();
tvler / WriteFragment.tsx
Created February 8, 2021 17:49
WriteFragment: A declarative way to write fragments to Apollo cache using React components
import { useApolloClient, Cache } from "@apollo/client";
import { useEffect } from "react";
* WriteFragment: A declarative way to write fragments to Apollo cache
* using React components. When the fragment props change, the cache is
* updated. When then component unmounts, the fragment is deleted.
* This is essentially a reactive version of the cache.writeFragment
* method, using the same exact arguments and types.
tvler / inferTuple.ts
Created March 24, 2021 21:30
Infer an array argument as a tuple in typescript
// TS playground:
// ✅
function inferTuple<
Tuple extends string[],
>(tuple: [...Tuple]) {
return tuple
const inferTupleTest = inferTuple(['a', 'b', 'c'])
tvler / shallowEqualWarnInDev.ts
Last active May 20, 2021 12:43
A custom React.memo memoization function that throws an error (in dev) if props change between renders.
* A strict React.memo memoization function, built off
* the one that comes built-in, that throws an error
* (in dev) if props change between renders. Props you
* want to allow can be passed in as arguments.
* This "don't allow by default" model makes it so
* further changes to a component don't silently
* undo any memoization optimizations done before.
tvler / createNamespacedEnum.ts
Last active June 9, 2021 01:26
A function to create namespaced enums in typescript, where the return type is a literal reflection of the returned enum value itself
* TS Playground:
tvler / guard.ts
Created June 9, 2021 16:16
A way to test if a Type adheres to a wider Supertype, without widening the initial Type
type Guard<Type extends SuperType, SuperType> = Type;
const tuple = [1, 2, 3] as const;
type Test = Guard<typeof tuple, ReadonlyArray<number>>;
tvler / hoc.tsx
Last active November 7, 2021 01:06
A type-safe high-order-component creator that injects a prop named a given string, with a type inferred by a given hook's return value.
* A type-safe high-order-component creator
* that injects a prop named a given string,
* with a type inferred by a given hook's
* return value.
* Ex:
* const Component = ({ name }) => {
* return <>Hello {name}</>;
* };
tvler / pick.js
Last active April 19, 2022 20:14
Experimental notation for picking a subset of a js object
const getProxy = (target = {}, key) =>
target[key] || (target[key] = new Proxy({}, { get: getProxy }));
const fillPick = (proxy, fn, fromObject = fn(proxy)) =>
...Object.entries(proxy).map(([key, value]) => ({
[key]: Object.keys(value).length
? fillPick(value, fn, fromObject[key])
: fromObject[key],