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Created May 14, 2022 23:58
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a pretty basic elm calculator i wrote because the one windows has was too slow for me
module InstantCalc exposing (..)
import Browser
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick, onInput)
main : Program () Model Msg
main =
Browser.sandbox { init = init, view = view, update = update }
type alias Model =
{ operationType : Operation
, left : String
, right : String
, mResult : Maybe Float
type Msg
= SetOperation Operation
| InputL String
| InputR String
| Swap
| SetResultAsLeft
| SetResultAsRight
| Clear
type Operation
= Add
| Subtract
| Divide
| Multiply
| Exponent
calculate : Operation -> Float -> Float -> Float
calculate opType left right =
case opType of
Add ->
left + right
Subtract ->
left - right
Multiply ->
left * right
Divide ->
left / right
Exponent ->
left ^ right
init : Model
init =
Model Add "0" "0" (Just 0.0)
view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
mLeft =
toFloat model.left
mRight =
toFloat model.right
colorLeft =
colorFunc mLeft
colorRight =
colorFunc mRight
resGood =
mFold (\_ -> True) False model.mResult
( phLeft, phRight ) =
placeholderFunc model.operationType
div [ style "display" "flex", style "align-items" "center", style "justify-content" "center", style "gap" "1em", style "margin" "1em" ]
[ input [ onInput InputL, value model.left, style "color" colorLeft, style "border-color" colorLeft, style "text-align" "center", placeholder phLeft ] []
, div [ style "display" "flex", style "flex-direction" "column", style "align-content" "stretch", style "gap" "0.75em" ]
[ input [ type_ "button", name "clear", value "clear", onClick Clear ] []
, div []
[ input [ type_ "radio", name "op_type", value "+", checked (model.operationType == Add), onClick (SetOperation Add) ] []
, label [ for "+" ] [ text " + " ]
, input [ type_ "radio", name "op_type", value "-", checked (model.operationType == Subtract), onClick (SetOperation Subtract) ] []
, label [ for "-" ] [ text " - " ]
, div []
[ input [ type_ "radio", name "op_type", value "*", checked (model.operationType == Multiply), onClick (SetOperation Multiply) ] []
, label [ for "*" ] [ text " * " ]
, input [ type_ "radio", name "op_type", value "/", checked (model.operationType == Divide), onClick (SetOperation Divide) ] []
, label [ for "/" ] [ text " / " ]
, div []
[ input [ type_ "radio", name "op_type", value "^", checked (model.operationType == Exponent), onClick (SetOperation Exponent) ] []
, label [ for "^" ] [ text " ^ " ]
, input [ type_ "button", name "swap", value "swap", onClick Swap ] []
, input [ onInput InputR, value model.right, style "color" colorRight, style "border-color" colorRight, style "text-align" "center", placeholder phRight ] []
, p [] [ text " = " ]
, p [] [ text (mFold String.fromFloat "???" model.mResult) ]
, div [ style "display" "flex", style "flex-direction" "column", style "gap" "0.1em" ]
[ text "Set as:"
, input [ type_ "button", disabled (not resGood), name "setAsLeft", value phLeft, onClick SetResultAsLeft ] []
, input [ type_ "button", disabled (not resGood), name "setAsRight", value phRight, onClick SetResultAsRight ] []
placeholderFunc : Operation -> ( String, String )
placeholderFunc op =
case op of
Add ->
( "Left Addend", "Right Addend" )
Subtract ->
( "Minuend", "Subtrahend" )
Divide ->
( "Dividend", "Divider" )
Multiply ->
( "Left Factor", "Right Factor" )
Exponent ->
( "Base", "Exponent" )
colorFunc : Maybe Float -> String
colorFunc f =
case f of
Just _ ->
Nothing ->
mZip : Maybe a -> Maybe b -> Maybe ( a, b )
mZip a b =
Maybe.andThen (\r -> (\l -> ( l, r )) a) b
mFold : (a -> b) -> b -> Maybe a -> b
mFold f z m =
case m of
Just a ->
f a
Nothing ->
update : Msg -> Model -> Model
update msg model =
case msg of
SetOperation op ->
newModel =
{ model | operationType = op }
{ newModel | mResult = calculateModel newModel }
InputL l ->
newModel =
{ model | left = l }
{ newModel | mResult = calculateModel newModel }
InputR r ->
newModel =
{ model | right = r }
{ newModel | mResult = calculateModel newModel }
Swap ->
newModel =
{ model | right = model.left, left = model.right }
{ newModel | mResult = calculateModel newModel }
SetResultAsLeft ->
mNewModel = (\res -> { model | left = String.fromFloat res }) model.mResult
in (\m -> { m | mResult = calculateModel m }) mNewModel |> Maybe.withDefault model
SetResultAsRight ->
mNewModel = (\res -> { model | right = String.fromFloat res }) model.mResult
in (\m -> { m | mResult = calculateModel m }) mNewModel |> Maybe.withDefault model
Clear ->
{ model | left = "0", right = "0", mResult = Just 0 }
calculateModel : Model -> Maybe Float
calculateModel model =
mZip (toFloat model.left) (toFloat model.right)
|> (\( l, r ) -> calculate model.operationType l r)
toFloat : String -> Maybe Float
toFloat s =
String.replace "," "." s |> String.toFloat
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