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Powershell script to convert a binary file to/from a base64 text file
[switch]$reverse = $false
## Usage
# From binary to UTF8 base-64 file with "b64" extension:
# .\convert_binary_file_to_base64.ps1 path\to\file.bin
# From UTF8 base-64 file back to binary:
# .\convert_binary_file_to_base64.ps1 -reverse path\to\file.bin.b64
$base64ext = ".b64"
if ($reverse)
$contentString = Get-Content $filePath -Encoding UTF8
$binary = [Convert]::FromBase64String($contentString)
$originalFileName = ($filePath -split $base64ext)[0]
$ext = [IO.Path]::GetExtension($originalFileName)
$filenameWithoutExt = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($originalFileName)
$parentDir = [IO.Path]::GetPathRoot($originalFileName)
$unixTimeStamp = [DateTimeOffset]::UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds()
$newFileName = ("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}" -f $parentDir, $filenameWithoutExt, ".", $unixTimeStamp , $ext)
Set-Content -Path $newFileName -Value $binary -Encoding Byte
$contentBytes = Get-Content $filePath -Encoding Byte
$base64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String($contentBytes)
Set-Clipboard -Value ($base64).ToString()
Set-Content -Path ("{0}{1}" -f $filePath,$base64ext) -Value $base64
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