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Created January 24, 2023 23:03
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The tool to dump current displays layout the same way it is done by arandr...
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define startsWith(a, b) (strstr(a, b) == a)
int main() {
char chunk[512];
struct output {
char name[64];
bool connected;
bool active;
char mode[32];
char pos[32];
char rotate[9];
} outputs[16] = {0};
FILE * fp = popen("xrandr --verbose", "r");
if (!fp) {
return -1;
size_t i = 0;
bool firstmode = true;
while (fgets(chunk, sizeof(chunk)-1, fp) != NULL) {
if (startsWith(chunk, "Screen ") || startsWith(chunk, "\t")) //Noise
else if (startsWith(chunk, " ")) { // Mode, width or height
if (!strstr(chunk, "current"))
uint16_t width, height;
strstr(chunk+2, " ")[0] = '\0';
strcpy(outputs[i].mode, chunk+2);
fgets(chunk, sizeof(chunk)-1, fp);
sscanf(chunk, " %*c: %*s %hd start", &width);
fgets(chunk, sizeof(chunk)-1, fp);
sscanf(chunk, " %*c: %*s %hd start", &height);
printf(" --output %s --mode %s --pos %s --rotate %s",
outputs[i].name, outputs[i].mode, outputs[i].pos, outputs[i].rotate);
} else { // Output
if (firstmode) firstmode = false; else i++;
char * pch = strtok(chunk, " ");
strcpy(outputs[i].name, pch);
pch = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (!strcmp(pch, "connected") ||
(!strcmp(pch, "unknown") && !strcmp(strtok(NULL, " "), "connection")))
outputs[i].connected = true;
pch = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (!strcmp(pch, "primary"))
pch = strtok(NULL, " ");
if (!startsWith(pch, "(")) {
uint32_t left, top;
outputs[i].active = true;
sscanf(pch, "%*ux%*u+%u+%u", &left, &top);
sprintf(outputs[i].pos, "%hdx%hd", left, top);
strtok(NULL, " "); // Skip modeid
strcpy(outputs[i].rotate, strtok(NULL, " "));
} else
printf(" --output %s --off", outputs[i].name);
return 0;
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