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Created July 19, 2009 21:15
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Save twalker/150040 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An Element extension for clicking a button when the enter key is pressed.
/* onEnterClick v1.0
* (c) 2009 Tim Walker
* onEnterClick is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.
* EnterClick listens on a containing element for the enter/return key being pressed.
* When the enter key is pressed within a child input element that will submit the form,
* it will prevent the default form submittal and fire the click event of a designated button.
* Depends on Prototype.js (v1.6.+) and extends Element.
* Usage:
* $('fieldset_forgot').onEnterClick($('btn_forgot'));
var EnterClick = Class.create({
relevantTypes: $w('text password checkbox radio'),
initialize: function(element, button){
this.element = $(element).addClassName("enterclick");
this.button = $(button);
this.element.observe('keypress', this.__keyPress.bindAsEventListener(this));
__keyPress: function(e){
var elSrc = e.element();
if((e.keyCode == Event.KEY_RETURN)
&& (elSrc.nodeName == 'INPUT')
&& (this.relevantTypes.include(elSrc.type))) {
// prevent default form submittal
// fire associated button's click event
//console.log('firing ' +;;
// Extend Element with enterclick
onEnterClick: function(element, button) {
new EnterClick(element, button);
return element;
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