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Travis Chapman twchapman

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twchapman / thoughts.txt
Last active July 28, 2020 15:08
On Toxicity in MOBAs
The first thing I noticed is just the format of the game; for a long time, there was a pretty clear distinction between "casual gamers" and "hardcore gamers" - terms I don't really like, but I'm using to basically mean the difference between someone who plays a game like The Sims a few times a week, and someone who's grinding Counterstrike deathmatch to try and get better. There were still people who would play shooters and whatnot casually, but they'd likely stick to community servers. Even people super into games like WoW were at least playing a largely PvE game, so there wasn't as much competition. In a game like League of Legends, there isn't really a "casual" mode outside of ARAMs; that, coupled with the popularity and appear of the game, leads to an environment that's naturally more competitive than other games might be. I think this is true for most if not all matchmaking games these days - I have friends who typically aren't very competitive by nature, like when we play a board game or something, but
twchapman / CharacterCamera.cs
Created May 11, 2020 17:24
Orbit Camera scripts
using Game;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class CharacterCamera : MonoBehaviour
private readonly OrbitCameraController orbiter = new OrbitCameraController();
private new Camera camera;
twchapman / git release tag
Created May 1, 2014 18:36
Github only shows relative dates, but we wanted actual release dates mapped with our versions.
releases = document.querySelectorAll('.release')
releaseMap = {}
for r in releases
releaseMap[r.querySelector('.css-truncate-target').innerText] = new Date(r.querySelector('local-time').getAttribute('datetime'))
str = ''
for v, d of releaseMap
str += v + ' ' + d.toString().substr(0, 15) + '\n'
twchapman / gobsprogram.js
Last active January 1, 2016 13:29
A JavaScript bookmarklet (or whatever the kids these days call them) to run Gob's program. Highlight it, drag it to your bookmarks bar and click it to run.
javascript:(function(){var e=window.prompt("Gob's program: Y/N?");if(e==="Y"){t=document.createElement("div");document.body.appendChild(t);"#000";"#228B22";"fixed";"0";;var n=function(){t.innerHTML+="Penus ";window.requestAnimationFrame(function(){n()})};n()}})()
twchapman / Classes
Created June 18, 2013 21:47
Java Basics
public class Shed {
private double length, width;
public Shed(double length, double width) {
this.length = length;
this.width = width;