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Created January 3, 2018 16:59
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An example of utilizing HTML5's History API in order to save and restore state. Whenever the state changes, a copy of it is stored in History whether it effected the URL route or not. It comes to demonstrate the somewhat concealed benefits of the History API.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
urlTemplate = ({ currentPage, currentItem })=> "/"+ _.compact([currentPage, currentPage === "item" && currentItem]).join('/'),
generateRandomState = (function(counter){
return ()=> ({
id: ++counter,
currentPage: _.sample(["welcome", "item"]),
currentItem: _.random(5, 1),
someRandomNumber: _.random(100),
someRandomAnimal: _.sample(["cat", "dog", "mouse"])
statePushStream = Kefir.pool(),
applicationState = statePushStream.toProperty(),
activeUrlStream =;
// Update address bar view (push)
.sampledBy(activeUrlStream, (state, url)=> ({ ...state, _url: url }))
.onValue(({ _url, ...state })=> window.history[window.location.pathname !== _url ? "pushState" : "replaceState"](state, '', _url));
// Restore state back from address bar
.fromEvents(window, 'popstate')
.map(()=> window.history.state)
.toProperty(()=> window.history.state || {})
.onValue((state)=> statePushStream.plug(Kefir.constant(state)));
// Update dom view
const [div, ul, li, button] = ["div", "ul", "li", "button"].map((tagName)=> _.partial(React.createElement, tagName));
return function({ someRandomAnimal, currentItem, currentPage, someRandomNumber }){
return ReactDOM.render(div({}, [], ...[
ul({}, [], ...[
li({}, `Page: ${currentPage}`),
li({}, `Item: ${currentItem}`),
li({}, `Animal: ${someRandomAnimal}`),
li({}, `Number: ${someRandomNumber}`)
button({ onClick: ()=> statePushStream.plug(Kefir.constant(generateRandomState())) }, 'Generate Random State')
]), mainEl);
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