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Created August 27, 2011 12:43
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HTDP 28.1 translated into Haskell
-- translating to Haskell,
-- making use of Maybe, pattern matching, and type aliases
-- 28.1 Finding routes in a cycle-free directed graph
type Node = Char
type Graph = [(Node,[Node])]
type Route = [Node]
findRoute :: Graph -> Node -> Node -> Maybe Route
findRoute g orig dest
| orig == dest = Just [dest]
| otherwise =
let possibleRoute = findRouteList g (neighbours g orig) dest
in case possibleRoute of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just route -> Just (orig : route)
findRouteList :: Graph -> [Node] -> Node -> Maybe Route
findRouteList _ [] _ = Nothing
findRouteList g (orig : restOrig) dest =
let possibleRoute = findRoute g orig dest
in case possibleRoute of
Nothing -> findRouteList g restOrig dest
Just route -> Just route
neighbours :: Graph -> Node -> [Node]
neighbours graph orig = head [neigh | (node, neigh) <- graph, node == orig]
graph :: Graph
graph = [('A',['B','E']),
t1 = findRoute graph 'A' 'D' == Just "ABECD"
t2 = findRoute graph 'B' 'C' == Just "BEC"
t3 = findRoute graph 'G' 'A' == Nothing
allNodes :: Graph -> [Node]
allNodes g = [n | (n, _) <- g]
testAllNodes :: Graph -> [(Node, Node, Maybe Route)]
testAllNodes g =
let nodes = allNodes g
in [(x, y, findRoute g x y) | x <- nodes, y <- nodes, x /= y]
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