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Created May 3, 2012 19:25
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Finding the longest subpalindrome in a piece of text
# Finding the start and finish indexes of the
# longest subpalindrome of a given string.
# My solution - does war & peace in approx 3.2 sec on my 2.4GHz macbook
def longest_subpalindrome_slice(text):
text = text.lower()
textlen = len(text)
textlen1 = textlen - 1
textrange = xrange(textlen)
def indlen(t):
return t[1] - t[0]
def expand(pals):
expanded = [(s - 1, f + 1) for (s, f) in pals
if s > 0 and f < textlen and text[s - 1] is text[f]]
return max(pals, key = indlen) if expanded == [] else expand(expanded)
def seed():
for i in textrange:
yield (i, i + 1)
if i < textlen1 and text[i] is text[i + 1]:
yield (i, i + 2)
return (0, 0) if textlen is 0 else expand([p for p in seed()])
# Peter's solution - does war & peace in approx 10.5 sec on my 2.4GHz macbook
def longest_subpalindrome_slice2(text):
if text == '': return (0,0)
def length(slice): a,b = slice; return b-a
candidates = [grow(text, start, end)
for start in range(len(text))
for end in (start, start+1)]
return max(candidates, key = length)
def grow(text, start, end):
while (start > 0 and end < len(text)
and text[start-1].upper() == text[end].upper()):
start -= 1; end += 1
return (start, end)
def test():
L = longest_subpalindrome_slice
assert L('racecar') == (0, 7)
assert L('Racecar') == (0, 7)
assert L('RacecarX') == (0, 7)
assert L('Race carr') == (7, 9)
assert L('') == (0, 0)
assert L('something rac e car going') == (8,21)
assert L('xxxxx') == (0, 5)
assert L('Mad am I ma dam.') == (0, 15)
return 'tests pass'
def preprocess_file(filename):
f = open(filename, 'r+')
text =
return ' '.join(text.split()) # remove multiple spaces
text = preprocess_file('war_and_peace.txt')
print longest_subpalindrome_slice(text)
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