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Created February 3, 2011 09:27
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My solution for exercise 16.3 extended challenge in How to Design Programs
#lang racket
;a file is a structure (make-file n s x) where n is a symbol, s is a number, and x is some scheme value
(define-struct file (name size content))
;a dir is a structure (make-dir n ds fs) where n is a symbol and ds is a list of directories and fs is a list of files
(define-struct dir (name dirs files))
; a list of files is either empty or (cons f lof) where f is a file and lof is a list of files
; a list of dirs is either empty or (cons d lod) where d is a dir and lod is a list of dirs
(define nfs
(make-dir 'TS
(list (make-dir 'Text
(list (make-file 'part1 99 empty)
(make-file 'part2 52 empty)
(make-file 'part3 17 empty)))
(make-dir 'Libs
(list (make-dir 'Code
(list (make-file 'hang 8 empty)
(make-file 'draw 2 empty)))
(make-dir 'Docs
(list (make-file 'read! 19 empty))))
(list (make-file 'read! 10 empty))))
(define (fileInList? filename filelist)
[(empty? filelist) false]
[else (or (symbol=? filename (file-name (first filelist)))
(fileInList? filename (rest filelist)))]))
(define (pathsInDir filename dir [lineage empty])
(let ([pathsInChildren (pathsInDirList filename
(dir-dirs dir)
(append lineage (list (dir-name dir))))])
[(fileInList? filename (dir-files dir))
(cons (append lineage (list (dir-name dir)))
[else pathsInChildren])))
(define (pathsInDirList filename dirlist lineage)
[(empty? dirlist) empty]
[else (append (pathsInDir filename (first dirlist) lineage)
(pathsInDirList filename (rest dirlist) lineage))]))
(pathsInDir 'read! nfs)
(pathsInDir 'part3 nfs)
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