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Created March 27, 2014 22:40
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Generating patterns with genetic algorithms
#lang racket
(require 2htdp/image)
(require "../connive/connive.rkt")
(:= rate 5) ; amount to mutate each property per generation
(:= gen-size 30) ; generation size
(:= acceptable-dist 20) ; how close the best of a generation is to ideal to stop evolving
(struct state (a o h r g b) #:transparent)
(:= ideal (state 50 30 10 0 0 0))
(:= (bound lo hi n) (max lo (min hi n)))
(:= (mutate v)
(+ v ((if (< 0.5 (random)) - +) (random rate))))
(:= (val lo hi v)
(bound lo hi (mutate v)))
(:== state-mutate (s)
((state a o h r g b))
(state (val 0 360 a) (val 5 200 o) (val 5 200 h)
(val 0 255 r) (val 0 255 g) (val 0 255 b)))
(:== state-render (s)
((state a o h r g b))
(triangle/ass a o h "solid" (color r g b)))
(:= (state-gen gen) ; take best of generation and breed it with all others of generation
(:= best (gen-fittest gen))
(map (curry state-breed best) gen))
(:= (gen-random)
(build-list gen-size (λ (n) (state-random))))
(:= (min-by f ls)
(:== aux (ls best best-score)
(null _ _) best
((cons x xs) _ _) (lyt (res (f x))
(if (< res best-score)
(aux xs x res)
(aux xs best best-score))))
(aux ls null +inf.0))
(:== state-breed (s1 s2) ; mutate offspring of two parents
((state a o h r g b) (state a2 o2 h2 r2 g2 b2))
(state-mutate (state (avg a a2 a2) (avg o o2 o2) (avg h h2 h2)
(avg r r2 r2) (avg g g2 g2) (avg b b2 b2))))
(:= (gen-fittest gen)
(min-by (curry dist ideal) gen))
(:== dist (s1 s2) ; dist is defined as closeness of s1 to s2
((state a o h r g b) (state a2 o2 h2 r2 g2 b2))
(+ (abs (- a a2)) (abs (- o o2)) (abs (- h h2))
(abs (- r r2)) (abs (- g g2)) (abs (- b b2))))
(:= avg
(λ ls (quotient (apply + ls) (length ls))))
(:= (good-enough? gen)
(< (apply avg (map (curry dist ideal) gen)) acceptable-dist))
(:= (state-random)
(state (random 360) (random 50) (random 50)
(random 255) (random 255) 255))
(:= (evolve gens) ; gens = [[state]]
(?? (good-enough? (car gens))
(apply above
(map (λ (gen)
(apply (curry beside/align "bottom") (map state-render gen))) gens))
(evolve (cons (state-gen (car gens)) gens))))
(evolve (list (gen-random)))
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