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Last active August 24, 2023 11:57
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Python implementation of the Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA)
# coding: utf-8
Implementation of the Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA) for Python
Example Usage:
import tea
# The key must be 16 characters
key = '0123456789abcdef'
message = 'Sample message for encryption and decryption.'
cipher = tea.encrypt(message, key)
assert message == tea.decrypt(cipher, key)
import base64
import ctypes
import itertools
import math
def encrypt(plaintext, key):
Encrypts a message using a 16-character key.
:param plaintext:
The message to encode. *Must* be a utf8 string but can have any length.
:param key:
The encryption key used to encode the plaintext message. *Must* be a utf8 string and 16 characters long.
A base64 utf8 string of the encrypted message.
if not plaintext:
return ''
v = _str2vec(plaintext.encode())
k = _str2vec(key.encode()[:16])
bytearray = b''.join(_vec2str(_encipher(chunk, k))
for chunk in _chunks(v, 2))
return base64.b64encode(bytearray).decode()
def decrypt(ciphertext, key):
Decrypts a message using a 16-character key.
:param ciphertext:
The encrypted message to decode as a base64 utf8 string.
:param key:
The encryption key used to encode the plaintext message. *Must* be a utf8 string and 16 characters long.
A utf8 string of the decrypted message.
if not ciphertext:
return ''
k = _str2vec(key.encode()[:16])
v = _str2vec(base64.b64decode(ciphertext.encode()))
return b''.join(_vec2str(_decipher(chunk, k))
for chunk in _chunks(v, 2)).decode()
def _encipher(v, k):
TEA encipher algorithm. Encodes a length-2 vector using a length-4 vector as a length-2 vector.
Compliment of _decipher.
:param v:
A vector representing the information to be enciphered. *Must* have a length of 2.
:param k:
A vector representing the encryption key. *Must* have a length of 4.
A length-2 vector representing the encrypted information v.
y, z = [ctypes.c_uint32(x)
for x in v]
sum = ctypes.c_uint32(0)
delta = 0x9E3779B9
for n in range(32, 0, -1):
sum.value += delta
y.value += (z.value << 4) + k[0] ^ z.value + sum.value ^ (z.value >> 5) + k[1]
z.value += (y.value << 4) + k[2] ^ y.value + sum.value ^ (y.value >> 5) + k[3]
return [y.value, z.value]
def _decipher(v, k):
TEA decipher algorithm. Decodes a length-2 vector using a length-4 vector as a length-2 vector.
Compliment of _encipher.
:param v:
A vector representing the information to be deciphered. *Must* have a length of 2.
:param k:
A vector representing the encryption key. *Must* have a length of 4.
The original message.
y, z = [ctypes.c_uint32(x)
for x in v]
sum = ctypes.c_uint32(0xC6EF3720)
delta = 0x9E3779B9
for n in range(32, 0, -1):
z.value -= (y.value << 4) + k[2] ^ y.value + sum.value ^ (y.value >> 5) + k[3]
y.value -= (z.value << 4) + k[0] ^ z.value + sum.value ^ (z.value >> 5) + k[1]
sum.value -= delta
return [y.value, z.value]
def _chunks(iterable, n):
Iterates through an iterable in chunks of size n.
:param iterable:
Any iterable. Must have a length which is a multiple of n, or the last element will not contain n elements.
:param n:
The size of the chunks.
A generator that yields elements in chunks of size n.
it = iter(iterable)
while True:
chunk = tuple(itertools.islice(it, n))
if not chunk:
yield chunk
def _str2vec(value, l=4):
Encodes a binary string as a vector. The string is split into chunks of length l and each chunk is encoded as 2
elements in the return value.
Compliment of _str2vec.
:param value:
A binary string to encode.
:param l:
An optional length value of chunks.
A vector containing ceil(n / l) elements where n is the length of the value parameter.
n = len(value)
# Split the string into chunks
num_chunks = math.ceil(n / l)
chunks = [value[l * i:l * (i + 1)]
for i in range(num_chunks)]
return [sum([character << 8 * j
for j, character in enumerate(chunk)])
for chunk in chunks]
def _vec2str(vector, l=4):
Decodes a vector to a binary string. The string is composed by chunks of size l for every two elements in the
Compliment of _str2vec.
:param vector:
An even-length vector.
:param l:
The length of the chunks to compose the returned string. This should match the value for l used by _str2vec.
If the value used is smaller, than characters will be lost.
return bytes((element >> 8 * i) & 0xff
for element in vector
for i in range(l)).replace(b'\x00', b'')
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