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Last active September 16, 2022 23:07
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Swoosh? Boink! (scoring)
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pg_temp.get_scores(skip_days int) RETURNS TABLE (
"user" varchar(60),
first_game_id int,
nb_games int,
first_game_day date,
nb_played_days int,
nb_expected_days int,
nb_missing_days int,
final_score float,
regularity_factor float,
averaged_score float,
nb_missing_games int
) AS $$
-- keep only games with at least two players, and for each kept game, compute the day and the number of players
_games as (select game_id,
min("date")::TIMESTAMP::DATE as day,
count(*) as nb_players
from game_score
group by game_id
having count(*) >= 2
order by game_id),
-- get the last day with a played game
_last_play_day as (select max(day) as last_day_with_game from _games),
last_play_day as (select last_day_with_game - (skip_days ||' DAYS')::interval as last_day_with_game
from _last_play_day),
-- get the list of all days with games
play_days as (select distinct(day)
from _games
cross join last_play_day
where day <= last_day_with_game
order by day),
-- for each game, compute the number of days with games between this game and the last one
games as (select _games.*,
(select count(*)
from play_days
where day between and last_day_with_game) as nb_expected_days
from _games
cross join last_play_day
where day <= last_day_with_game),
-- on all kept games, compute the scores adjusted regarding the number of players
-- and number games for each players, starting from 1 for the most recent one
_scores as (select game_id,
score * (1 + log(nb_players - 1)) as score_with_players_factor,
row_number() over (partition by "user" order by game_id desc) as game_reverse_number
from game_score
inner join games using (game_id)),
scores as (
select * from _scores where game_reverse_number <= 250
-- list players with their oldest game, limiting to the 100 last games, and the number of played games and played days
_players as (select "user",
min(game_id) as first_game_id,
count(*) as nb_games,
min(day) as first_game_day,
count(distinct (day)) as nb_played_days
from scores
group by "user"),
-- for each player, get the number of expected and missing days
players as (select p.*,
nb_expected_days - nb_played_days as nb_missing_days
from _players p
inner join games g on p.first_game_id = g.game_id),
-- compute aggregated data for every player, and the final score
aggregated as (select *, averaged_score * regularity_factor as final_score
from (select distinct on ("user") p.*,
0.95 ^ nb_missing_days as regularity_factor,
(avg(case score_with_players_factor
when 0 then 0.0
else 1000 + (score_with_players_factor + 1) ^ 2 end)
over (partition by "user") / 10) as averaged_score,
greatest(0, 25 - nb_games) as nb_missing_games
from players p
inner join scores using ("user")) t)
from aggregated
order by nb_missing_games, final_score desc;
-- select * from pg_temp.get_scores(0) last, pg_temp.get_scores(1) previous; -- use this to see all columns
round(last.final_score::numeric, 1) as final_score_last ,
last.nb_missing_games as nb_missing_games_last,
round(previous.final_score::numeric, 1) as final_score_previous ,
previous.nb_missing_games as nb_missing_games_previous
pg_temp.get_scores(0) last
join pg_temp.get_scores(1) previous
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