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Created September 10, 2015 00:09
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Disqus / Blogger / Django import script
import arrow
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from disqus.wxr_feed import ContribCommentsWxrFeed
from HTMLParser import HTMLParser
from twigcorp.utils import Url
class BloggerCommentsWxrFeed(ContribCommentsWxrFeed):
Blogger comments in WXR format for Disqus.
def get_object(self, request, requested_file):
self.posts_by_url = {}
self.comment_ids = []
self.soup = BeautifulSoup(requested_file, "html5lib", from_encoding="utf-8")
self.site_url = self.soup.find('link', rel='alternate').get('href')
posts_by_url[url] = { id, title, pubdate, guid, comments }
comment = { id, user_id, username, user_email, user_url, ip, submit_date, comment, approved, parent_id }
return self.posts_by_url
def items(self, posts_by_url_arg):
parser = HTMLParser()
for category in self.soup.find_all('category', term=""):
post = None
for el in category.parents:
if == 'entry':
post = el
if post is None:
print "Unable to find entry"
link_element = post.find('link', rel="alternate")
if link_element is None:
post_id = post.find('id').text
url = link_element.get('href')
self.posts_by_url[url] = {
'id': post_id.split('-')[-1],
'url': url,
'title': post.find('title').text,
'pubdate': post.find('published').text,
'guid': post_id,
'comments': []
for category in self.soup.find_all('category', term=""):
comment = category.parent
comment_id = comment.find('id').text.split('-')[-1]
reply_to = comment.find('thr:in-reply-to')
url = reply_to.get('href')
author = comment.find('author')
author_uri_el = author.find('uri')
parent_comment = comment.find('link', rel='related', type="application/atom+xml")
comment_text = comment.find('content').text.strip()
comment_text = parser.unescape(comment_text)
for br in [ '<br />', '<BR />', '<br/>', '<BR/>' ]:
comment_text = comment_text.replace(br, '\n')
# { id, user_id, username, user_email, user_url, ip, submit_date, comment, approved, parent_id }
'id': comment_id,
'user_id': 0,
'user_name': author.find('name').text,
'user_email': author.find('email').text.lower(),
'user_url': author_uri_el.text if author_uri_el is not None else '',
'ip': '',
'submit_date': comment.find('published').text,
'comment': comment_text,
'approved': True,
'parent_id': parent_comment.get('href').split('/')[-1] if parent_comment is not None else '',
return self.posts_by_url.values()
def item_title(self, item):
# print "*** title", item['title']
return item['title']
def item_description(self, item):
# return item['title']
return u''
def item_pubdate(self, item):
return arrow.get(item['pubdate']).datetime
def item_guid(self, item):
The path to the comments thread.
# The Disqus blogger plugin uses the Post ID as the Disqus identifier.
return item['id']
def item_comment_status(self, item):
# Can people comment on this item? One of either 'open' or 'closed'.
return "open"
def item_link(self, item):
return item['url']
def item_comment_status(self, item):
return "open"
def item_comments(self, item):
return item['comments']
# Comment information
def comment_id(self, comment):
# print "comment", comment['id']
return comment['id']
def comment_user_id(self, comment):
return comment['user_id']
def comment_user_name(self, comment):
return comment['user_name']
def comment_user_email(self, comment):
return comment['user_email'] if comment['user_email'] != '' else ''
def comment_user_url(self, comment):
# Comment author's homepage URL - we use this as a honeypot
return comment['user_url']
def comment_ip_address(self, comment):
return comment['ip']
def comment_submit_date(self, comment):
return arrow.get(comment['submit_date']).datetime
def comment_comment(self, comment):
return comment['comment']
def comment_is_approved(self, comment):
return '1' if comment['approved'] else '0'
def comment_parent(self, comment):
# Should match comment_id()
if comment['parent_id'] and comment['parent_id'] in self.comment_ids:
return comment['parent_id']
return 0
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