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Created April 10, 2017 14:29
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Auth Service PasswordLess
import { EventEmitter } from 'events'
import { isTokenExpired } from './jwtHelper'
import Auth0LockPasswordless from 'auth0-lock-passwordless'
export default class AuthService extends EventEmitter {
constructor (clientId, domain) {
// Configure Auth0 Passwordless
// We’ll get the clientId and domain credentials from our .env file we created
this.lock = new Auth0LockPasswordless(clientId, domain)
// The lock.parseHash function will check to see if we clicked a magiclink and if so, parse the required information to verify the authentication. If the expected hash is not found, it will be ignored.
this.hash = this.lock.parseHash(window.location.hash)
if (this.hash && this.hash.error) {
} else if (this.hash && this.hash.idToken) {
// Here we set the three different authentication options and make them available to use in our template.
this.loginMagiclink = this.loginMagiclink.bind(this)
this.loginEmailCode = this.loginEmailCode.bind(this)
this.loginSMSCode = this.loginSMSCode.bind(this)
// The _doAuthentication function will get the user profile information if authentication is successful
_doAuthentication (err, token) {
if (this.hash) {
localStorage.setItem('id_token', this.hash.idToken)
// The setProfile function sets the user profile information in localStorage
this.lock.getProfile(this.hash.idToken, this.setProfile.bind(this))
} else {
localStorage.setItem('id_token', token.idToken)
this.lock.getProfile(token.idToken, this.setProfile.bind(this))
// We’ll display an error if the user clicks an outdated or invalid magiclink
_authorizationError () {
'There was an error: ' +
this.hash.error +
'\n' +
// The next three function implement our three authentication options
// loginMagiclink - sends the user an email with a link they must click to authenticate
// loginEmailCode - sends the user an email with a one-time passcode they must enter to authenticate
// loginSMSCode - sends the user an SMS text message with a one-time passcode they must enter to authenticate
loginMagiclink () {
// Ask a user for an email address and send a magiclink that they will need to click on to authenticate
loginEmailCode () {
// Ask a user for an email address and send them a one-time passcode to authenticate
// Here we are also setting the autoclose property to true, meaning once a user is authenticated the lock
// modal will automatically close.
this.lock.emailcode({ autoclose: true }, this._doAuthentication.bind(this))
loginSMSCode () {
// Ask a user for a phone number and send them a one-time passcode to authenticate
// Here we are setting the autoclose property to false, meaning once a user is authenticated the lock
// modal will display a message to the user saying they are succesfully logged in but the user will have to
// close the modal on their own.
this.lock.sms({ autoclose: false }, this._doAuthentication.bind(this))
// The rest of the functions below are helper functions that we borrow from the seed project.
loggedIn () {
// Checks if there is a saved token and it's still valid
const token = this.getToken()
return !!token && !isTokenExpired(token)
setProfile (err, profile) {
// Saves profile data to localStorage
localStorage.setItem('profile', JSON.stringify(profile))
// Triggers profile_updated event to update the UI
this.emit('profile_updated', profile)
getProfile () {
// Retrieves the profile data from localStorage
const profile = localStorage.getItem('profile')
return profile ? JSON.parse(localStorage.profile) : {}
setToken (idToken) {
// Saves user token to localStorage
localStorage.setItem('id_token', idToken)
getToken () {
// Retrieves the user token from localStorage
return localStorage.getItem('id_token')
logout () {
// Clear user token and profile data from localStorage
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