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Created January 21, 2014 21:07
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This is a cheat sheet for Multi-Markdown.
Title: MMD Cheat Sheet
Author: Pierce T. Wetter III
Date: September 6, 2013
### Basics ###
| What | | Syntax |
| :------------ | -- | :----------- |
| *Italic* | | \*Italic\* or \_Italic\_|
| **Bold ** | | \*\*Bold\*\* or \_\_Italic\_\_|
| ___Both___ | | \*\*\*Both\*\*\* or \_\_\_Both\_\_\_|
| Block Quote | | \> Block Quote (like email) |
| List | | \*, + or - |
| Ordered | | 1. on first item, |
| Header | | \#\#\# Header |
| HRule | | \-\-\- or \*\*\* on empty line |
### Links
| What | | Syntax |
| :------------ | -- |:----------- |
| Basic | | ```[CNN](``` |
| Reference | | ```[link][linkid]``` for [link][linkid] then ```[linkid]: "title"``` on its own line elsewhere. |
| Def Link | | ```[linkid]: "title"``` on its own line elsewhere.|
| Short | | ```<> <>```|
| Internal | | ```[Links][] (any header name)``` |
| Footnote[^footnote] | | ```[^footnote]``` def footnote later |
| Def Footnote | | ```[^footnote]: text```|
| Image | | ```![Image Name](URL "title")``` for an image |
| | | ```![Image Ref]``` then later def |
| | | ```![Caption][Image Ref]``` then later def |
| Image Def | | ```[Image Ref]: URL "Title" width="45px" height="45px" |
[^footnote]: This is the footnote
| First Header | Second Header | Third Header |
| :------------ | :-----------: | -------------------: |
| First row | **Bold** | Very long data entry |
| Second row | Cell that spans across two columns ||
[Table caption, also works as a reference][section-mmd-tables-table1]
```| First Header | Second Header | Third Header |
| :------------ | :-----------: | -------------------: |
| : Left align | : centered : | Right align : |
| First row | **Bold** | Very long data entry |
| Second row | Cell that spans across two columns ||
[Table caption, also works as a reference][section-mmd-tables-table1]
| What | | Syntax |
| :----- | --- | :------- |
| {--a delete. --} a delete. | | \{\-\- remove \-\-\} |
| {++an add. ++}| | \{\+\+ add\+\+\} |
| swap {~~from~>to~~} | | \{\~\~\from\~\>to\~\~\} |
| {==a highlight==} | | \{\=\=highlight\=\=\} |
| Comment, which you can't see{>>What is it a test of?<<}. | | \{\>\>Comment?\<\<\}|
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