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Created August 10, 2018 05:54
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Quick attempt to emit Raspberry Pi throttling state metrics through telegraf
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import re
import socket
from subprocess import check_output
def eval_position(position, status):
if status[position] == 1:
return 1
return 0
except IndexError:
return 0
thing = check_output(["/usr/bin/vcgencmd", "get_throttled"]).strip()
thing = re.sub(b'throttled=', b'', thing)
scale = 16
num_of_bits = 8
thing = b'0x50005'
status = list(bin(int(thing, scale))[2:].zfill(num_of_bits)[::-1])
status_dict = {'uv': eval_position(0, status),
'afc': eval_position(1, status),
'ct': eval_position(2, status),
'euv': eval_position(16, status),
'eafc': eval_position(17, status),
'et': eval_position(18, status)}
metrics = "throttling,host={} ".format(socket.gethostname())
metrics = metrics+"under_voltage={uv},arm_frequency_capped={afc},currently_throttled={ct},ever_under_voltage={euv},ever_arm_frequency_capped={eafc},ever_throttled={et}".format(**status_dict)
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