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Created February 8, 2022 00:02
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Wordle word propose
#!/usr/bin/env python3
### Wordle word suggestion
import math
import re
import os
import sys
import pprint
import requests
class WordleSolve:
worddict = './words.txt'
def __init__(self, length):
if not os.path.exists(self.worddict):
print(f'[!] dict not found at {self.worddict}.. downloading..')
with open(self.worddict, 'wb') as f:
resp = requests.get('')
print(f'[+] download done')
with open(self.worddict) as f:
words = [w.strip() for w in f.readlines()]
self.words = [w for w in words if len(w) == length]
self.length = length
def letter_logfreq(self):
freq = {}
for w in self.words:
for c in w:
freq[c] = freq.get(c, 0) + 1
n_letters = sum(list(freq.values()))
for c in freq:
freq[c] = -math.log(freq[c] / n_letters)
return freq
def sort_by_score(self):
logfreq = self.letter_logfreq()
max_loss = max(logfreq.values())
pairs = []
for w in self.words:
score = 0.0
cnt = 0
for c in set(list(w)):
score += logfreq[c]
cnt += 1
pairs.append((score + (self.length - cnt) * max_loss, w))
return pairs
def filter_by_res(self, inputs: str, res: str):
# 0 - not matched
# 1 - yellow
# 2 - green
# include right positioned chars
regex = ''.join([(c if r == '2' else '.') for c, r in zip(inputs, res)])
print(f'to include: {regex}')
regex = re.compile(regex)
new_words = []
for w in self.words:
if regex.match(w):
self.words = new_words
# exclude wrong positioned chars
to_gen = [((idx, c) if r != '2' else None) for idx, (c, r) in enumerate(zip(inputs, res))]
to_gen = [t for t in to_gen if t is not None]
for idx, c in to_gen:
regex = ['.'] * self.length
regex[idx] = c
regex = ''.join(regex)
print(f'to exclude: {regex}')
regex = re.compile(regex)
new_words = []
for w in self.words:
if regex.match(w) is None:
self.words = new_words
# exclude unincluded chars
to_gen = {}
for c, r in zip(inputs, res):
if r == '0':
if c not in to_gen or to_gen[c] == '0':
to_gen[c] = r
else: to_gen[c] = r
to_gen2 = []
for c, r in to_gen.items():
if r == '0': to_gen2.append(c)
to_gen = to_gen2
print (f'exclude chars: {to_gen}')
for c in to_gen:
new_words = []
for w in self.words:
if not c in w: new_words.append(w)
self.words = new_words
# contains yellow chars
cntstr = ''.join([(c if r != '0' else '') for c, r in zip(inputs, res)])
cnts = {}
for c in cntstr: cnts[c] = True
new_words = []
for w in self.words:
cur_cnts = {}
for c in w: cur_cnts[c] = True
all_match = True
for c in cnts:
if cnts[c] != cur_cnts.get(c, False):
all_match = False
if all_match:
self.words = new_words
if __name__ == '__main__':
wordlen = 5
if len(sys.argv) >= 2:
wordlen = int(sys.argv[1])
print(f'Using word length: {wordlen}')
s = WordleSolve(wordlen)
while True:
print('--> Suggestions: ')
for score, word in s.sort_by_score()[:20]:
print(f' {word}: {score:.3f}')
input_ok = False
while not input_ok:
sys.stdout.write('> ')
line = sys.stdin.readline()
inputs = [x.strip() for x in line.strip().split()]
if len(inputs) != 2 or len(inputs[0]) != len(inputs[1]):
print('Error: input format should be "[your answer] [result]"')
input_ok = True
s.filter_by_res(inputs[0], inputs[1])
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