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Last active April 15, 2020 07:35
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Test nested destructuring in dash let form #Emacs
;;; test-nested-destructuring-in-dash-let.el --- Test nested destructuring in dash let form -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; Author: Gong Qijian <>
;; Created: 2020/04/09
;; Version: 1.1
;;; Commentary:
;; Example:
;; ┌────
;; │ (-let [(&alist '(a "b" c) v) '((a . (("b" . ((c . 3))))))] v)
;; │ ;; => (let* ((v (cdr (assoc 'c
;; │ ;; (cdr (assoc "b"
;; │ ;; (cdr (assoc 'a
;; │ ;; '((a . (("b" . ((c . 3))))))))))))))
;; │ ;; v)
;; │ ;; => 3
;; └────
;; Discussion:
;;; Code:
;;; elpa
(setq package-user-dir (concat user-emacs-directory (file-name-base load-file-name) "/elpa/"))
(unless (load "~/.emacs.d/elpa.el" t)
(setq package-archives
'(("gnu" . "")
("melpa" . ""))))
(defun require-packages (&rest packages)
(dolist (pkg packages)
(unless (package-installed-p pkg)
(package-install pkg))
(require pkg)))
(require 'cl-macs)
(require 'dash)
(require 'ht)
;;; alist
(defun my/dash-expand:&alist-nested (keys source)
(if (cdr keys)
`(cdr (assoc ,(car keys) ,(my/dash-expand:&alist-nested (cdr keys) source)))
`(cdr (assoc ,(car keys) ,source))))
(defun my/dash-expand:&alist (key source)
(if (and (consp key) (eq 'quote (car key)) (consp (car (cdr key))))
(lambda (it)
(if (symbolp it)
(list 'quote it)
(reverse (car (cdr key))))
`(cdr (assoc ,key ,source))))
(princ "Test -let &alist ... ")
(advice-add 'dash-expand:&alist :override #'my/dash-expand:&alist)
(let* ((actual-sexp1 (macroexpand-all '(-let [(&alist '(a "b" c) v) '((a . (("b" . ((c . 3))))))] v)))
(actual-sexp2 (macroexpand-all '(-let [(&alist '(a "b") v) '((a . (("b" . ((c . 3))))))] v)))
(actual-sexp3 (macroexpand-all '(-let [(&alist 'a v) '((a . (("b" . ((c . 3))))))] v)))
(expected-sexp1 '(let* ((v (cdr (assoc 'c (cdr (assoc "b" (cdr (assoc 'a '((a . (("b" . ((c . 3)))))))))))))) v))
(expected-sexp2 '(let* ((v (cdr (assoc "b" (cdr (assoc 'a '((a . (("b" . ((c . 3)))))))))))) v))
(expected-sexp3 '(let* ((v (cdr (assoc 'a '((a . (("b" . ((c . 3)))))))))) v))
(actual-val1 (eval actual-sexp1))
(actual-val2 (eval actual-sexp2))
(actual-val3 (eval actual-sexp3))
(expected-val1 3)
(expected-val2 '((c . 3)))
(expected-val3 '(("b" . ((c . 3))))))
(cl-assert (equal actual-sexp1 expected-sexp1))
(cl-assert (equal actual-sexp2 expected-sexp2))
(cl-assert (equal actual-sexp3 expected-sexp3))
(cl-assert (equal actual-val1 expected-val1))
(cl-assert (equal actual-val2 expected-val2))
(cl-assert (equal actual-val3 expected-val3))
(princ "Pass\n"))
(advice-remove 'dash-expand:&alist #'my/dash-expand:&alist)))
;;; plist
(defun my/dash-expand:&plist-nested (keys source)
(if (cdr keys)
`(plist-get ,(my/dash-expand:&plist-nested (cdr keys) source) ,(car keys))
`(plist-get ,source ,(car keys))))
(defun my/dash-expand:&plist (key source)
(if (and (consp key) (eq 'quote (car key)) (consp (car (cdr key))))
(my/dash-expand:&plist-nested (reverse (car (cdr key))) source)
`(plist-get ,source ,key)))
(princ "Test -let &plist ... ")
(advice-add 'dash-expand:&plist :override #'my/dash-expand:&plist)
(let* ((actual-sexp1 (macroexpand-all '(-let [(&plist '(:a :b :c) v) '(:a (:b (:c 3)))] v)))
(actual-sexp2 (macroexpand-all '(-let [(&plist '(:a :b) v) '(:a (:b (:c 3)))] v)))
(actual-sexp3 (macroexpand-all '(-let [(&plist :a v) '(:a (:b (:c 3)))] v)))
(expected-sexp1 '(let* ((v (plist-get (plist-get (plist-get '(:a (:b (:c 3))) :a) :b) :c))) v))
(expected-sexp2 '(let* ((v (plist-get (plist-get '(:a (:b (:c 3))) :a) :b))) v))
(expected-sexp3 '(let* ((v (plist-get '(:a (:b (:c 3))) :a))) v))
(actual-val1 (eval actual-sexp1))
(actual-val2 (eval actual-sexp2))
(actual-val3 (eval actual-sexp3))
(expected-val1 3)
(expected-val2 '(:c 3))
(expected-val3 '(:b (:c 3))))
(cl-assert (equal actual-sexp1 expected-sexp1))
(cl-assert (equal actual-sexp2 expected-sexp2))
(cl-assert (equal actual-sexp3 expected-sexp3))
(cl-assert (equal actual-val1 expected-val1))
(cl-assert (equal actual-val2 expected-val2))
(cl-assert (equal actual-val3 expected-val3))
(princ "Pass\n"))
(advice-remove 'dash-expand:&plist #'my/dash-expand:&plist)))
;;; hash
(defun my/dash-expand:&hash-nested (keys source)
(if (cdr keys)
`(gethash ,(car keys) ,(my/dash-expand:&hash-nested (cdr keys) source))
`(gethash ,(car keys) ,source)))
(defun my/dash-expand:&hash (key source)
(if (and (consp key) (eq 'quote (car key)) (consp (car (cdr key))))
(lambda (it)
(if (and (symbolp it) (not (keywordp it)))
(list 'quote it)
(reverse (car (cdr key))))
`(gethash ,key ,source)))
(defun my/dash-expand:&hash? (key source)
"Generate extracting KEY from SOURCE for &hash? destructuring.
Similar to &hash but check whether the map is not nil."
(let ((src (make-symbol "src")))
`(let ((,src ,source))
(when ,src ,(my/dash-expand:&hash key src)))))
(princ "Test -let &hash ... ")
(advice-add 'dash-expand:&hash :override #'my/dash-expand:&hash)
(let ((aht (ht<-alist
'((c . 3))))))))))
(pht (ht<-plist
'(:c 3))))))))
(cl-assert (equal (-let [(&hash '(a b c) v) aht] v) 3))
(cl-assert (equal (-let [(&hash '(:a :b :c) v) pht] v) 3))
(princ "Pass\n"))
(advice-remove 'dash-expand:&hash #'my/dash-expand:&hash)))
;; Local Variables:
;; quickrun-option-cmd-alist: ((:command . "/bin/bash")
;; (:exec . ("emacs -Q -l %s --batch"))
;; (:tempfile . nil))
;; End:
;;; test-nested-destructuring-in-dash-let.el ends here
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