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Created November 21, 2022 18:36
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Roll20 Character Sheet New Tab
// @match*
// @grant none
// @version 1.0
// @author toonlink
// @description 11/21/2022, 1:19:45 PM
// ==/UserScript==
// http-url:
var patchTypes = ["a", "b", "i"];
var patchedObjects = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map();
// http-url:
function hook_default(funcName, funcParent, funcArgs, ctxt, isConstruct) {
const patch = patchedObjects.get(funcParent)?.[funcName];
if (!patch)
return isConstruct ? Reflect.construct(funcParent[funcName], funcArgs, ctxt) : funcParent[funcName].apply(ctxt, funcArgs);
for (const hook of patch.b.values()) {
const maybefuncArgs =, funcArgs);
if (Array.isArray(maybefuncArgs))
funcArgs = maybefuncArgs;
let insteadPatchedFunc = (...args) => isConstruct ? Reflect.construct(patch.o, args, ctxt) : patch.o.apply(ctxt, args);
for (const callback of patch.i.values()) {
const oldPatchFunc = insteadPatchedFunc;
insteadPatchedFunc = (...args) =>, args, oldPatchFunc);
let workingRetVal = insteadPatchedFunc(...funcArgs);
for (const hook of patch.a.values())
workingRetVal =, funcArgs, workingRetVal) ?? workingRetVal;
return workingRetVal;
// http-url:
function unpatch(funcParent, funcName, hookId, type) {
const patchedObject = patchedObjects.get(funcParent);
const patch = patchedObject?.[funcName];
if (!patch?.[type].has(hookId))
return false;
if (patchTypes.every((t) => patch[t].size === 0)) {
const success = Reflect.defineProperty(funcParent, funcName, {
value: patch.o,
writable: true,
configurable: true
if (!success)
funcParent[funcName] = patch.o;
delete patchedObject[funcName];
if (Object.keys(patchedObject).length == 0)
return true;
// http-url:
var getPatchFunc_default = (patchType) => (funcName, funcParent, callback, oneTime = false) => {
if (typeof funcParent[funcName] !== "function")
throw new Error(`${funcName} is not a function in ${}`);
if (!patchedObjects.has(funcParent))
patchedObjects.set(funcParent, {});
const parentInjections = patchedObjects.get(funcParent);
if (!parentInjections[funcName]) {
const origFunc = funcParent[funcName];
parentInjections[funcName] = {
o: origFunc,
b: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
i: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(),
a: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map()
const runHook = (ctxt, args, construct) => {
const ret = hook_default(funcName, funcParent, args, ctxt, construct);
if (oneTime)
return ret;
const replaceProxy = new Proxy(origFunc, {
apply: (_, ctxt, args) => runHook(ctxt, args, false),
construct: (_, args) => runHook(origFunc, args, true),
get: (target, prop, receiver) => prop == "toString" ? origFunc.toString.bind(origFunc) : Reflect.get(target, prop, receiver)
const success = Reflect.defineProperty(funcParent, funcName, {
value: replaceProxy,
configurable: true,
writable: true
if (!success)
funcParent[funcName] = replaceProxy;
const hookId = Symbol();
const unpatchThisPatch = () => unpatch(funcParent, funcName, hookId, patchType);
parentInjections[funcName][patchType].set(hookId, callback);
return unpatchThisPatch;
// http-url:
var before = getPatchFunc_default("b");
before("open", window, (args) => {
if (!args?.[2]) return;
return args;
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