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app-name = "Mend";
/* Landing */
landing-title = "To mend is to transform.";
landing-description = "Listen to an audio message from our founder Elle.";
landing-get-help = "Is this an emergency?";
landing-onboarding-button-title = "START MENDING";
landing-login-button-title = "Already Mending? Sign In.";
/* Login */
login-title = "Welcome back Mender!";
login-button-title = "SIGN IN";
reset-password = "Forgot your password?";
login-email-label = "Email";
login-email-placeholder = "Your email address";
login-password-label = "Password";
login-password-placeholder = "Enter a password";
login-password-confirmation-placeholder = "Re-enter your password";
/* Onboarding */
enter-name = "Please enter a name.";
enter-password-again = "Just to be safe, go ahead and type it in one more time. You know the drill!";
enter-valid-email = "Please enter a valid email address.";
password-too-short = "Your password must be at least 8 characters.";
passwords-no-matchy = "Oops! Those passwords don't match. Enter it one more time for me.";
/* Chat questions */
birthdate-question = "Thanks! Next, when is your birthday?";
gender-question = "To help you better mend, I'm going to ask a couple questions. For starters, which of the following do you identify with?";
refresh-relationship-status-question = "What best describes your relationship status?";
breakup-status-question = "Are you currently going through a breakup?";
session-completed-message = "Welcome back, <mendinghandle>! It looks like you've already completed today's training session.";
user-enjoyment-question = "On a scale of 1-5, how much are you enjoying using Mend (1 = not enjoying, 5 = loving it!)?";
user-enjoyment-thankyou = "Thanks for the feedback! Is there anything further you'd be willing to share with us to help improve Mend?";
thanks-for-feedback = "Thanks for your feedback!";
activity-tracker-question = "Would you like to log any self care activities for today (you can do this later as well)?";
milestones-question = "It’s been more than 60 days since your breakup. Do you want to keep tracking Breakup Date and Ex Contact?";
/* Button Prompts */
no-answer = "Not right now";
yes-answer = "Yes!";
yes = "Yes";
no = "No";
/* Button titles */
cancel = "Cancel";
close = "Close";
logout = "Log Out";
community = "Join Community";
contact-us = "Contact Us";
enable = "Enable";
exit = "Exit";
like-post = "Like Post";
listen-to-training = "Listen to training";
log-activities = "Log Activities";
ok = "OK";
past-trainings = "Past Trainings";
read-stories = "Read Stories";
retry = "Retry";
review-trainings = "Review Trainings";
save = "Save";
share-to-facebook = "Share to Facebook";
share-to-twitter = "Share to Twitter";
share-post = "Share Post";
subscribe = "Subscribe";
next = "Next";
previous = "Previous";
break-up-with-ads = "BREAK UP WITH ADS";
/* Settings */
breakup-date-label = "Date of Breakup";
email-address-label = "Email";
general-notifications = "General Notifications";
last-contact-label = "Last Ex Contact";
loading-journal-history = "Exporting your Journal";
breakup-reason = "Breakup Reason";
milestones-to-display = "Milestones to Display";
manage-account-title = "Profile";
name-field-label = "Name";
name-field-placeholder = "Your name";
saving = "Saving";
morning-notifications-label = "8am Notifications";
morning-notifications-title = "It's time to Mend.";
morning-notifications-message = "Goooood morning ☀️. We're ready for your daily mend (and ☕)";
afternoon-notifications-label = "1pm Notifications";
afternoon-notifications-title = "It's time to Mend.";
afternoon-notifications-message = "Hey, how's it going over there? Need a mid-day 🔧?";
evening-notifications-label = "8pm Notifications";
evening-notifications-title = "It's time to Mend.";
evening-notifications-message = "💫 Time for a deep was your day? We're all 👂.";
settings-profile-section = "My Info";
settings-notifications-section = "Notifications";
settings-more-info-section = "Mend Links";
delete-account-title = "Delete Account";
delete-account-message = "Performing this action will delete your account and all data (including journal entries). This action cannot be reversed.\n\nTo proceed, type \"%@\" in the field below.";
delete-account-verify = "DELETE";
confirm = "Confirm";
cancel-subscription-title = "Cancel Subscription?";
cancel-subscription-message = "Before deleting your account, we recommend canceling your subscription so you are no longer charged.";
cancel-subscription-button = "Cancel Subscription";
proceed-to-delete-button = "Proceed to Delete";
dismiss = "Dismiss";
podcast = "Listen to Our Podcast";
faq = "Frequently Asked Questions";
share = "Share Mend with a Friend";
help = "Get Help";
tos = "Terms of Service";
privacy = "Privacy Policy";
restore-purchase = "Restore Purchase";
contact-us = "Contact Us";
rate-app = "Rate Mend";
clear-cache = "Clear Downloaded Files";
export-journal = "Export Journal Entries";
delete-account = "Delete Account";
share-sheet-text = "I've been using Mend, a self-care app for heartbreak (and beyond), and have been loving it! I thought you might want to check it out.";
/* Alert messages */
invalid-data-message = "There was an error loading your training session. Please contact us so we can get you sorted out!";
just-a-second = "Just a second...";
loading = "Loading";
logged-out-message = "We had trouble reaching our servers. Please login to continue using Mend.";
login-failed-title = "Invalid Sign In";
login-failed-message = "Woops, looks like you're either submitting an invalid email or password. Try again or email if you're stuck. We'll give you a ✋.";
logout-confirmation-title = "Are You Sure?";
logout-confirmation-message = "Are you sure you want to log out?";
migrated-title = "We've got something new for you 💫";
migrated-message = "A new version of Mend is now available in the App Store. We'll need you to update your app to continue mending. Are you ready to update now?";
migrated-button = "Update";
notifications-disabled = "Notifications Disabled";
notifications-disabled-message = "Notifications for Mend are currently disabled. To enable them, click 'Enable' and turn on 'Allow Notifications' for Mend in Apple Settings.";
oops = "😁 Ooops...";
password-reset-alert-title = "Please Email Us";
password-reset-alert-message = "To reset your password, please send us an email at";
reachability-lost-message = "We couldn't find the Mend servers. Double check your Internet connection and retry. If it's not your Internet, please contact us.";
still-saving-changes = "We're still saving your changes. Are you sure you want to exit?";
subscription-error-message = "There was an error processing your subscription. Please contact us so we can get you sorted out!";
subscription-success-title = "Subscribed";
subscription-restored-title = "Welcome Back";
subscription-restored-message = "Hooray, your purchase has been restored! 🎉";
subscription-restore-failed-title = "Woops 😞";
subscription-restore-failed-message = "We're sorry, it looks like there's no purchase to restore. Contact us if you think this is incorrect.";
payment-error-title = "Payment Error";
payment-error-message = "There was an issue processing your payment. Please try again or check your payment settings in the Settings app.";
payment-settings = "Payment Settings";
help = "Help";
// Theme Selection
select-themes = "Pick %@ themes";
too-few-themes-title = "Almost there...";
too-few-themes-message = "You need to select at least %@ themes. Keep going till the check mark turns blue!";
too-many-themes-title = "We feel you...";
too-many-themes-message = "There's a lot we want to do too, but for now let's stick to %@ max. You can choose new ones in a week!";
// Journey
activities = "Activities";
journal = "Journal";
mood = "Mood";
search-button-title = "SEARCH";
mood-selection-title = "Today's Mood";
no-logged-activities = "You haven't logged any self care activities for this day.";
journey-failed-title = "Ooops - we couldn't load your journey.";
journey-failed-message = "Check your connection and try again.";
update-breakup-date-title = "Update Breakup Date";
update-breakup-date-message = "Would you like to update your breakup date?";
update-last-contact-date-title = "Update Last Ex Contact Date";
update-last-contact-date-message = "Would you like to update your last ex contact date?";
search-trainings-header = "Search for Trainings";
search-trainings-placeholder = "e.g., Heartbreak";
todays-activities = "Today's Activities";
day-since-breakup = "DAY SINCE\nBREAKUP";
days-since-breakup = "DAYS SINCE\nBREAKUP";
completed-trainings = "COMPLETED\nTRAININGS";
day-since-last-ex-contact = "DAY SINCE\nLAST EX CONTACT";
days-since-last-ex-contact = "DAYS SINCE\nLAST EX CONTACT";
logged-activities = "LOGGED\nACTIVITIES";
settings = "SETTINGS";
// Journal
journal-title = "Journal";
journal-placeholder = "This is a safe (and private) space! Your journal entries are encrypted so only you have access to what you write here :)";
// App Enjoyment Question
app-enjoyment-very-low-title = "1";
app-enjoyment-low-title = "2";
app-enjoyment-medium-title = "3";
app-enjoyment-high-title = "4";
app-enjoyment-very-high-title = "5";
// Audio
skip-back = "Go back 15 seconds";
skip-forward = "Go forward 15 seconds";
play = "Play";
pause = "Pause";
downloading-progress = "Downloading %@ percent";
sponsored-by = "Sponsored by";
// Paywall
paywall-title = "%@, subscribe today to feel better 58%% faster";
paywall-subtitle = "How ready are you to mend?";
paywall-quote = "It’s only been 3 weeks since my breakup, but I already feel I’m in a much better place with Mend.";
// Content Stream
empty-search-results = "Sorry! We can't find any results for your search. Please try again.";
last-reloaded = "Last reloaded:";
loading-stories = "Loading stories";
recommended-section = "Recommended for you";
popular-section = "Most popular";
recent-section = "Most recent";
search-posts-placeholder = "Search our posts";
sharing-default-text = "Hey, thought you might like this post on Mend: ";
share-to-twitter-message = "I loved this post on @letsmend";
content-post-in = "in";
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