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Forked from radiatoryang/SkinnedMeshCombiner.cs
Created September 8, 2018 01:31
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example code for combining SkinnedMeshRenderers at runtime (for optimization reasons usually), which I use in my games for Mixamo Fuse models specifically... PLEASE DON'T ASK ME FOR HELP WITH THIS, this is more for learning purposes, and it's not really an easy-to-use Asset Store thing? also I have a lot of weird hacks specific for my uses... ag…
// this code is under MIT License, by Robert Yang + others (credits in comments)
// a lot of this is based on
// but I removed the atlasing stuff because I don't need it
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
// please don't ask me for help with this... this is more for learning purposes, and it's not really an easy-to-use Asset Store thing
// I have a lot of hacks specific for my uses... again, this is for devs doing similar things in their own code
public class SkinnedMeshCombiner : MonoBehaviour {
public SkinnedMeshRenderer[] smRenderers; // you can leave this empty if you want it autodetect SMRs in children
public LODGroup lod; // leave this undefined, legacy behavior... I used to bake to different LODs.
public int bakeToLOD = 0;
public Bounds boundsOverride; // this is for stuff like Mixamo hair, where I find I often have to type in my own Bounds or else the hair disappears randomly because of weird bounds that don't calculate well
public Transform rootBoneCombine; // leave this undefined... this is for legacy behavior
bool runInAwakeInstead = true; // I like having it run in Awake() so that my other scripts can do all their init stuff in Start() and they're guaranteed to be OK
public bool ignoreBlendshapes = false;
[SerializeField] Material[] randomMaterials; // leave empty if you don't want it to randomly pick a material for the final combined SMR
[SerializeField] bool doRestoreBindPose = false;
void Awake () {
if ( runInAwakeInstead && this.enabled )
void Start () {
if ( !runInAwakeInstead )
transform.localPosition =;
transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;
// based on some code by JoeStrout
public void RestoreBindPose () {
// if you're using Mixamo models, every SkinnedMeshRenderer has a fraction of the full bind pose data...
// so first we have to search through all of the SMRs and combine all the bindpose data into a dictionary
var smRenderers2 = transform.parent.GetComponentsInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>().OrderBy( smr => smr.bones.Length ).ToArray();
Dictionary<Transform, Matrix4x4> bindPoseMap = new Dictionary<Transform, Matrix4x4>();
foreach ( var smr in smRenderers2 ) {
for( int i=0; i<smr.bones.Length; i++) {
if ( !bindPoseMap.ContainsKey( smr.bones[i] ) ) {
bindPoseMap.Add( smr.bones[i], smr.sharedMesh.bindposes[i] );
// based on data, now move the bones based on the bindPoseMap
foreach( var kvp in bindPoseMap ) {
Transform boneTrans = kvp.Key;
Matrix4x4 bindPose = kvp.Value;
// Recreate the local transform matrix of the bone
Matrix4x4 localMatrix = bindPoseMap.ContainsKey(boneTrans.parent) ? (bindPose * bindPoseMap[boneTrans.parent].inverse).inverse : bindPose.inverse;
// Recreate local transform from that matrix
boneTrans.localPosition = localMatrix.MultiplyPoint (;
boneTrans.localRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation (localMatrix.GetColumn (2), localMatrix.GetColumn (1));
boneTrans.localScale = new Vector3 (localMatrix.GetColumn (0).magnitude, localMatrix.GetColumn (1).magnitude, localMatrix.GetColumn (2).magnitude);
Debug.Log("Reset " + bindPoseMap.Count + " bones to bind pose");
// internal vars for blendshapes and boneweights etc
class BlendShapeFrame {
public string name;
public float weight;
public List<Vector3> deltaVertices = new List<Vector3>();
public List<Vector3> deltaNormals = new List<Vector3>();
public List<Vector3> deltaTangents = new List<Vector3>();
static List< List<BlendShapeFrame> > blendFrames = new List< List<BlendShapeFrame> >();
static string[] blendshapeNames = new string[] { "Blink_Left", "Blink_Right", "BrowsDown_Left",
"BrowsDown_Right", "BrowsIn_Left", "BrowsIn_Right", "BrowsOuterLower_Left", "BrowsOuterLower_Right",
"BrowsUp_Left", "BrowsUp_Right", "CheekPuff_Left", "CheekPuff_Right", "EyesWide_Left",
"EyesWide_Right", "Frown_Left", "Frown_Right", "JawBackward", "JawForward",
"JawRotateY_Left", "JawRotateY_Right", "JawRotateZ_Left", "JawRotateZ_Right", "Jaw_Down",
"Jaw_Left", "Jaw_Right", "Jaw_Up", "LowerLipDown_Left", "LowerLipDown_Right",
"LowerLipIn", "LowerLipOut", "Midmouth_Left", "Midmouth_Right", "MouthDown",
"MouthNarrow_Left", "MouthNarrow_Right", "MouthOpen", "MouthUp", "MouthWhistle_NarrowAdjust_Left",
"MouthWhistle_NarrowAdjust_Right", "NoseScrunch_Left", "NoseScrunch_Right", "Smile_Left", "Smile_Right",
"Squint_Left", "Squint_Right", "TongueUp", "UpperLipIn", "UpperLipOut",
"UpperLipUp_Left", "UpperLipUp_Right" };
static Vector3[] deltaVertices, deltaNormals, deltaTangents;
static List<BoneWeight> boneWeights = new List<BoneWeight>();
static List<CombineInstance> combineInstances = new List<CombineInstance>();
static BoneWeight[] meshBoneweight;
// this is the main function
// you could probably optimize it if you really had to
void Combine() {
// the initial state of the model matters a lot
// so let's turn off the animator (just in case) and ideally try to reset the model back to bindpose
var anim = GetComponentInParent<Animator>();
anim.enabled = false;
if (smRenderers.Length == 0)
smRenderers = GetComponentsInChildren<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
if ( doRestoreBindPose )
{ RestoreBindPose(); }
// I use CP_SSSSS on GitHub for my skin subsurface scattering
bool hasSSS = OnlyHighQuality.usingHighQuality && smRenderers[0].GetComponent<CP_SSSSS_Object>() != null;
Debug.Log( "debug: " + smRenderers[0].name + " Sss is " + hasSSS.ToString() );
Color sssColor = hasSSS ? smRenderers[0].GetComponent<CP_SSSSS_Object>().subsurfaceColor : Color.clear;
bool doBlendshapes = !ignoreBlendshapes && smRenderers[0].sharedMesh.blendShapeCount > 0;
Vector3 oldPos = transform.position;
Quaternion oldRot = transform.rotation;
// reset the model to 0,0,0 (temporarily) so we can work easier with it
transform.position =;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
List<Transform> bones = new List<Transform>();
Material mat = smRenderers[0].material;
int numSubs = 0;
// destroy and delete unused mesh renderers when we're done with them
foreach(SkinnedMeshRenderer smr in smRenderers) {
if ( !smr.gameObject.activeSelf ) {
Destroy( smr.gameObject );
numSubs += smr.sharedMesh.subMeshCount;
smRenderers = smRenderers.Where( x => x.gameObject.activeSelf ).ToArray(); // THIS IS WASTEFUL, I DON'T CARE, I DON'T
int[] meshIndex = new int[numSubs];
int boneOffset = 0;
// bone map stuff
var boneMap = new Dictionary<string, int>();
var allBones = new List<Transform>();
if (rootBoneCombine != null ) {
allBones = rootBoneCombine.GetComponentsInChildren<Transform>().ToList();
for ( int i=0; i<allBones.Count; i++ ) {
boneMap.Add( allBones[i].name, i );
var castShadows = smRenderers[0].shadowCastingMode;
var receiveShadows = smRenderers[0].receiveShadows;
for( int s = 0; s < smRenderers.Length; s++ ) {
SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = smRenderers[s];
var sMesh = smr.sharedMesh;
// blend shape stuff
// mixamo meshes sometimes have different blendshape counts and indices (WTF???)
bool doNameSearch = s >= 1 && sMesh.blendShapeCount > 0 && sMesh.blendShapeCount < 50;
for ( int shapeIndex=0; shapeIndex<50 && doBlendshapes; shapeIndex++ ) { // hardcoded to Mixamo's 50 because even meshes without blendshapes will need zeroed deltas when they get merged
// runs only on first mesh, allocates space and sets up structure
if ( blendFrames.Count == shapeIndex ) {
var shapeName = "Facial_Blends." + blendshapeNames[shapeIndex];
var frameCount = sMesh.GetBlendShapeFrameCount( shapeIndex );
blendFrames.Add( new List<BlendShapeFrame>() );
for ( int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex<frameCount; frameIndex++) {
var newFrame = new BlendShapeFrame(); = shapeName;
newFrame.weight = sMesh.GetBlendShapeFrameWeight(shapeIndex,frameIndex);
blendFrames[shapeIndex].Add( newFrame );
// runs on every mesh, adds the deltas for each frame... if there are no deltas, then it adds empty deltas
for ( int frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < blendFrames[shapeIndex].Count; frameIndex++ ) {
deltaVertices = new Vector3[ sMesh.vertexCount ];
deltaNormals = new Vector3[ sMesh.vertexCount ];
deltaTangents = new Vector3[ sMesh.vertexCount ];
// search by blendshape name sometimes, because sometimes some meshes don't have all the blendshapes
int actualShapeIndex = shapeIndex;
if ( doNameSearch ) {
actualShapeIndex = -1;
if ( sMesh.blendShapeCount > shapeIndex ) {
string groupName = sMesh.GetBlendShapeName(shapeIndex);
for( int i=0; i<blendFrames.Count; i++) {
if ( blendFrames[i][0].name == groupName ) { // does this iterated frameGroup's shapeName equal this current frameGroup's shapeName?
actualShapeIndex = i;
// only fetch deltas if there's a blendShapeFrame there
int actualFrameCount = actualShapeIndex > -1 && sMesh.blendShapeCount > actualShapeIndex ? sMesh.GetBlendShapeFrameCount( actualShapeIndex ) : 0;
if ( actualShapeIndex >= 0 && frameIndex < actualFrameCount ) {
sMesh.GetBlendShapeFrameVertices( shapeIndex, frameIndex, deltaVertices, deltaNormals, deltaTangents );
var frame = blendFrames[shapeIndex][frameIndex];
frame.deltaVertices.AddRange( deltaVertices );
frame.deltaNormals.AddRange( deltaNormals );
frame.deltaTangents.AddRange( deltaTangents );
} // end blendshape merging
// bone weight stuff
meshBoneweight = smr.sharedMesh.boneWeights;
var smrBones = smr.bones;
// May want to modify this if the renderer shares bones as unnecessary bones will get added.
foreach( BoneWeight bw in meshBoneweight ) {
BoneWeight bWeight = bw;
if (boneMap.Count == 0 ) {
bWeight.boneIndex0 += boneOffset;
bWeight.boneIndex1 += boneOffset;
bWeight.boneIndex2 += boneOffset;
bWeight.boneIndex3 += boneOffset;
} else {
bWeight.boneIndex0 = boneMap[ smrBones[bWeight.boneIndex0].name ];
bWeight.boneIndex1 = boneMap[ smrBones[bWeight.boneIndex1].name ];
bWeight.boneIndex2 = boneMap[ smrBones[bWeight.boneIndex2].name ];
bWeight.boneIndex3 = boneMap[ smrBones[bWeight.boneIndex3].name ];
boneWeights.Add( bWeight );
boneOffset += smr.bones.Length;
if ( boneMap.Count == 0 ) {
Transform[] meshBones = smr.bones;
foreach( Transform bone in meshBones )
bones.Add( bone );
CombineInstance ci = new CombineInstance();
ci.mesh = smr.sharedMesh;
meshIndex[s] = ci.mesh.vertexCount;
ci.transform = smr.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
combineInstances.Add( ci );
Object.Destroy( smr.gameObject );
List<Matrix4x4> bindposes = new List<Matrix4x4>();
if (allBones.Count > 0)
bones = allBones;
for( int b = 0; b < bones.Count; b++ ) {
bindposes.Add( bones[b].worldToLocalMatrix * transform.worldToLocalMatrix );
// begin constructing new mesh
var newMesh = new Mesh();
newMesh.CombineMeshes( combineInstances.ToArray(), true, true );
// add blendshape frames
for( int frameGroup=0; frameGroup<blendFrames.Count; frameGroup++) {
for ( int frame=0; frame<blendFrames[frameGroup].Count; frame++ ) {
var thisFrame = blendFrames[frameGroup][frame];
newMesh.AddBlendShapeFrame(, thisFrame.weight, thisFrame.deltaVertices.ToArray(), thisFrame.deltaNormals.ToArray(), thisFrame.deltaTangents.ToArray() );
SkinnedMeshRenderer r = GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
if ( r == null ) { r = gameObject.AddComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>(); }
r.sharedMesh = newMesh;
// workaround for Unity bug 824384 where blendshapes would not update properly at runtime... thanks Julius!
SkinnedMeshRenderer smrr = r;
Mesh m = smrr.sharedMesh;
r.sharedMesh = m;
// Debug.Log( "debug blendshape check: " + r.sharedMesh.blendShapeCount.ToString() );
r.shadowCastingMode = castShadows;
r.receiveShadows = receiveShadows;
r.sharedMaterial = mat;
r.bones = bones.ToArray();
r.sharedMesh.boneWeights = boneWeights.ToArray();
r.sharedMesh.bindposes = bindposes.ToArray();
// if ( > 0.001f ) {
// //r.sharedMesh.bounds = boundsOverride;
// r.localBounds = boundsOverride;
// } else {
// transform.position = oldPos;
// transform.rotation = oldRot;
// }
// commit to LODs, if we're using them (more or less disabled since august 2016 though)
if ( lod != null ) {
var lods = lod.GetLODs();
var rends = lods[bakeToLOD].renderers.Where( x => x != null).ToList();
rends.Add( r );
lods[bakeToLOD].renderers = rends.ToArray();
lod.SetLODs( lods );
// if defined, pick a random material
if ( randomMaterials != null && randomMaterials.Length > 0 ) {
r.sharedMaterial = randomMaterials[ Random.Range(0, randomMaterials.Length) ];
// did we have SSS? if so, assign it
if ( hasSSS ) {
var newSSS = r.gameObject.AddComponent<CP_SSSSS_Object>();
newSSS.maskSource = CP_SSSSS_MaskSource.wholeObject;
newSSS.subsurfaceColor = sssColor;
// turn animator back on
anim.enabled = true;
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