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Last active July 29, 2023 19:43
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Amendment to the stable diffusion notebook to do titling and generate /n/ images
from PIL import Image
from PIL import ImageFont
from PIL import ImageDraw
import math
#Self contain this for easy single clicking
from PIL import Image
def image_grid(imgs, rows, cols):
#assert len(imgs) == rows*cols
w, h = imgs[0].size
grid ='RGB', size=(cols*w, rows*h))
grid_w, grid_h = grid.size
for i, img in enumerate(imgs):
grid.paste(img, box=(i%cols*w, i//cols*h))
return grid
# grab the font
!test -f "/content/SansSerif.ttf" && echo "Skipping download" || wget -nc ""
!test -f "/content/Microsoft Sans Serif.ttf?raw=true" && mv "/content/Microsoft Sans Serif.ttf?raw=true" "/content/SansSerif.ttf"
font = ImageFont.truetype("/content/SansSerif.ttf", 120)
# add a couple of options
# can be any whole number above 0
manual_seed = 1024 #@param {type: 'integer'}
# make it divisible by your column count and your row count
image_count = 9 #@param {type: 'integer'}
# how may we add each time we do a new image
step_increase = 12 #@param {type: 'integer'}
# jump over the first few steps to avoid NSFW flag
NSFW_skip_start_step = 10 #@param {type: 'integer'}
height = 512 #@param {type: 'integer'}
width = 1088 #@param {type: 'integer'}
guidance_scale =8 #@param {type: 'integer'}
# we are ready to prompt.
prompt = "simple test aurora dramatic mountaintop, distant glowing figures" #@param {type: 'string'}
# do the run
current_steps = NSFW_skip_start_step
for i in range(image_count):
with autocast("cuda"):
#eugh hack time - skip the known bad step iterators.
if(current_steps == 9):
current_steps = 10
if(current_steps >26 and current_steps<30):
current_steps = 30
if(current_steps >100 and current_steps<125):
current_steps = 125
if(current_steps >35 and current_steps<40):
current_steps = 40
if(current_steps >300 and current_steps<350):
current_steps = 350
title = str(current_steps)
generator = torch.Generator("cuda").manual_seed(manual_seed)
img = pipe(prompt, generator=generator, height=height, width=width,
num_inference_steps=current_steps, guidance_scale=guidance_scale )["sample"][0]
#document every fail
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
draw.text((width/2, 50), title, (255,255,255),font=font)'/content/MyDrive/uniquename.jpg') TODO
current_steps += step_increase
#single, double, triple row et cetera - if indivisible will pad with black blank
rows = 3 #@param {type: 'integer'}
cols = math.ceil((len(images)/rows))
grid = image_grid(images, rows=rows, cols=cols)
#now show it
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twobob commented Aug 23, 2022

added automatic retrieval of font

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twobob commented Aug 23, 2022

updated font grab to do tests to save bandwidth

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twobob commented Aug 23, 2022

text will now just be placed 50% from the left automatically on any size image
draw.text((width/2, 50), title, (255,255,255),font=font) <--see to adjust this implementation

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twobob commented Aug 23, 2022

added a basic GUI, attempts to skip over "bad" step values silently.

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