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Last active August 20, 2022 09:57
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Install Qrack for high width and depth on sycamore, qft and tnn_xx
# First of all a big thank your for Dan Strano and all the maintainers of the Qrack repository at the Unitary Fund
# Without their constant effort, focus and guidance all of ThereminQ and its endeavours would simply not exist.
# Please pay their sites a visit and join them on discord
# Download Ubuntu 22.04 server
# Put iso file on prepared USB stick
# Boot and install Ubuntu 22.04 server on target machine ( RAID setup optional )
# Required software install
apt-get -y install -y wget curl cmake build-essential git software-properties-common ocl-icd-opencl-dev pkg-config libglvnd-dev clinfo oclgrind python-setuptools python3-setuptools dkms build-essential cmake openssh-server vim-common time opencl-headers libfreetype6-dev autotools-dev libicu-dev libbz2-dev libboost-all-dev
# Optional:
# apt install -y ubuntu-desktop
# Download and Install NVidia drivers for Linux
# measuring temperature and performance
apt install -y lm-sensors glances nvtop
# Download and install 'FP32' Qrack and Qrack128 nicknamed 'BigQrack'
# install is in root / because of container install and scripts
# if you don't want that change install and run scripts accordingly
cd /
git clone --recursive
cp -r qrack qrack128
# Qrack install & dependancies
cd /qrack/include && mkdir CL && cd /var/log && mkdir qrack && cd /qrack && mkdir _build && cd _build && cmake -DENABLE_DEVRAND=ON -DFPPOW=5 -DUINTPOW=6 -DQBCAPPOW=6 -DENABLE_COMPLEX_X2=ON -DENABLE_OCL_MEM_GUARDS=OFF .. && make all && make install
# BigQrack install & dependancies
cd /qrack128/include && mkdir CL && cd /qrack128 && mkdir _build && cd _build && cmake -DENABLE_DEVRAND=ON -DFPPOW=6 -DUINTPOW=6 -DQBCAPPOW=12 -DENABLE_RDRAND=OFF -DENABLE_COMPLEX_X2=ON -DENABLE_OCL_MEM_GUARDS=OFF .. && make all && make install
# create qrack logging directories in /var/log for log output
mkdir /var/log/qrack
# optional but recommended - install Liquorix Kernel - for streaming and ultra-low latency requirements
apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https wget ca-certificates gnupg2 ubuntu-keyring -y
add-apt-repository ppa:damentz/liquorix -y
apt-get install linux-image-liquorix-amd64 linux-headers-liquorix-amd64 -y
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