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Last active December 26, 2015 20:19
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optimization package interfaces
trait Func0[V, P] {
def value(p: P): V
def dimension: Int
trait Func1[V, G, P] extends Func0[V, P] {
def grad(p: P): G = compute(p)._2
def compute(p: P): (V, G)
trait Minimizer0[V, P] { def minimize(f: Func0[V, P]): P }
trait Minimizer1[V, G, P] { def minimize(f: Func1[V, G, P]): P }
class SGD(val learningRate: Double = 0.1d, val tol: Double = 1e-6, val doLineSearch: Boolean = false)
extends Minimizer1[Double, Array[Double], Array[Double]] {
lazy val ls = new LineSearch
override def minimize(f: Func1[Double, Array[Double], Array[Double]]): Array[Double] = {
val p = Array.ofDim[Double](f.dimension)
var progress = 999999d
var vPrev = 999999d
while(progress > tol) {
val (v, g) = f.compute(p)
p =, p, g)
p -= learningRate * g
progress = vPrev - v
vPrev = v
class LineSearch {
def search(f: Func0[Double, Array[Double]], starting: Array[Double], direction: Array[Double]): Array[Double] = {
val p = Arrays.copyOf(starting)
var step = 1d
var best = (99999d, p)
while(step > 1e-6) {
val v = f.value(p)
if(v < best._1)
best = (v, p.copy)
step *= 0.3d
p = starting + step * direction
// this class has ancillary data that it hides
// this data is added with promote
trait HidesState[-LessInfo, +MoreInfo] {
def promote(x: LessInfo): MoreInfo
def demote(x: MoreInfo): LessInfo
// if you don't need conversions (e.g. no batches)
implicit def nothingToHide[T] = new HidesState[T, T] {
def promote(t: T): T = t
def demote(t: T): T = t
class Minimizer1Scala[V, G, P, R] {
def minimize(f: Func1[V, G, P])(implicit buildPoint: HidesState[R, P]): R
class SGDScala extends Minimizer1Scala[Double, Array[Double], PointWithBatch, Array[Double]] {
def minimize(f: Func1[Double, Array[Double], PointWithBatch])
(implicit batch: HidesState[Array[Double], PointWithBatch]): Array[Double] = {
// in this example, batch stores the state that is in PointWithBatch
// that isn't just the Array[Double].
// we can build the Array[Double] by just knowing the dimension of the function
val p: Array[Double] = Array.ofDim[Double](f.dimension)
// the function needs to know the batch, so we let batch annotate
// the Array[Double] that we made
val pWithBatch: PointWithBatch = batch.promote(p)
val (v, g) = f.compute(pWithBatch)
// this allows us to resolve the seemingly conflicting requirements:
// 1) the function needs to take a batch
// 2) this class needs to instantiate new points as Array[Double]
// when we finally find a PointWithBatch we like, we return
val r: Array[Double] = batch.demote(pWithBatch)
return r
// ok, i believe we have officially hit over-engineering
// decide on one of these, but is sort of orthogonal to this code
type Solution = Vector
type Solution = (Vector, Double) // solution + f(solution)
trait Optimizer {
def optimize(problem: OptimizationProblem): Solution
* convenient methods for creating OptimizationProblems
object OptimizationProblem {
def maximize(f: Func): OptimizationProblem[Func]
def minimize(f: Func): OptimizationProblem[Func]
trait OptimizationProblem[F <: Func] {
def objective: F
def constraints: Seq[Constraint]
// choose one of the following
// i'm biased towards the first because it's more general
def compare(solA: Solution, solB: Solution): Double
def shouldMaximize: Boolean
def timeLimit: Option[Time]
def memLimit: Option[Memory]
def cpuLimit: Option[Int]
// etc
* for a new Optimizer that you implement,
* if you want to tie into the testing code, you
* need to implement one of these
trait OptimizerFactory {
* can inspect the problem to set parameters
* e.g. maybe having short time limit means you'll set some Optimizer settings differently
def defaultOptimizer(problem: OptimizationProblem): Optimizer
* return a grid of parameters that you think will work for this problem
def gridOfOptimizers(problem: OptimizatinoProblem, maxOptimizers: Int): Seq[Optimzer]
* TODO: add logging to show which settings are doing well
* this class might dispatch optimization jobs to different grid machines!
* this class might also be a nice home for GP code
* (in which case we might change the name to something like MetaOptimzer)
* actually probably better to describe the GP stuff as an Optimizer itself (over hyper-params)
* and keep the semantics of this class purely for calling Optimzers (e.g. necessarily the "top")
trait Sweeper {
def sweep(problem: OptimizationProblem, optFactory: OptimizationFactory, n: Int = 10): (Solution, Optimizer) =
sweep(problem, optFactory.gridOfOptimizers(problem, n))
def sweep(problem: OptimizationProblem, optimizers: Seq[Optimizer]): (Solution, Optimizer) = {
var best: (Solution, Optimizer) = null
for(opt <- optimizers) {
val sol = opt.optimize(problem)
if(best == null ||, best) > 0d)
best = (sol, opt)
return best
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