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Last active December 30, 2015 20:59
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how to write neat feature functions in scala
object IDontCare {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
def conjoin[I,P,O](f1: I => P, f2: I => P, compose: (P, P) => O): I => O = {
(i: I) => {
val p1 = f1(i)
val p2 = f2(i)
compose(p1, p2)
def conjoin2[I,P1,P2,O](f1: I => P1, f2: I => P2, composeValues: (P1, P2) => O): I => O = {
(i: I) => composeValues(f1(i), f2(i))
def example {
val f1 = (i: String) => i.size.toDouble
val f2 = (i: String) => if(i.startsWith("a")) 1d else 0d
val compose = (d1: Double, d2: Double) => d1 * d2
val fc: String => Double = conjoin(f1, f2, compose)
println("### example ###")
for(i <- Seq("air", "dog"))
println("fc(\"%s\") = %f".format(i, fc(i)))
// this is way more slick!
sealed case class OneHot(val hot: Int, val range: Int) {
assert(hot >= 0)
assert(hot < range)
def this(b: Boolean) = this(if(b) 1 else 0, 2)
object OneHot {
def compose(oh1: OneHot, oh2: OneHot): OneHot = {
val newRange = oh1.range * oh2.range
val newVal = * oh2.range +
OneHot(newVal, newRange)
def example2 {
val f1 = (i: String) => {
val v =
if(i == i.toUpperCase) 0 // all caps
else if(i == i.toLowerCase) 1 // all lower
else 2 // mixed
OneHot(v, 3)
val f2 = (i: String) => new OneHot(i.toLowerCase.contains("dog"))
val fc = conjoin2(f1, f2, OneHot.compose)
println("### example2 ###")
for(i <- Seq("dog", "DOG", "Dog", "dont", "DONT", "Dont"))
println("fc(\"%s\") = %s".format(i, fc(i)))
// lets try to get somthing that generates all conjunctions of features
implicit class OneHotFeature[T](val func: T => OneHot) extends Function[T, OneHot] {
override def apply(t: T): OneHot = func(t)
object OneHotFeature {
def compose[T](f1: OneHotFeature[T], f2: OneHotFeature[T]): OneHotFeature[T] = {
new OneHotFeature((t: T) => OneHot.compose(f1(t), f2(t)))
def allPairs[T](features: Seq[OneHotFeature[T]]): Seq[OneHotFeature[T]] = {
for(f1 <- features; f2 <- features if f1 != f2)
yield OneHotFeature.compose(f1, f2)
import collection.mutable.{ ArrayBuffer, HashSet }
def greedyFeatureSelection[T](baseFeatures: Seq[OneHotFeature[T]], criterion: Seq[OneHotFeature[T]] => Double, howMany: Int): Seq[OneHotFeature[T]] = {
val buf = new ArrayBuffer[OneHotFeature[T]]
buf ++= baseFeatures
val pairs = new HashSet[OneHotFeature[T]] ++ allPairs(baseFeatures)
for(i <- 1 to howMany) {
val bestF = pairs.maxBy(f => criterion((buf :+ f).toSeq))
pairs -= bestF
buf += bestF
import util.Random
def example3 {
val features = new ArrayBuffer[OneHotFeature[String]]
features += ((i: String) => {
val v =
if(i == i.toUpperCase) 0 // all caps
else if(i == i.toLowerCase) 1 // all lower
else 2 // mixed
OneHot(v, 3)
features += ((i: String) => new OneHot(i.toLowerCase.contains("dog")))
features += ((i: String) => new OneHot(i.toLowerCase.contains("cat")))
def criterion(feats: Seq[OneHotFeature[String]]): Double = Random.nextDouble // i don't really want to fake data for this...
val pairs = greedyFeatureSelection(features.toSeq, criterion, 2)
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